Come in and have a cup of coffee. Let's toss ideas around and share a few laughs. May be we will find some sanity together.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
About the Ink Spots
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Still around
Steel Magnolia's was a smashing success. We received a standing ovation every night of the production. The cast was amazing to work with and the crew made the show. As a director I can honestly say that Steel Magnolia's reset our standards yet again and raised the bar. How the hell can I top that? Our director taught me a few new things for the next cast I direct. There were a few other directors groaning inwardly as well. On the other hand, everybody was totally floored and thrilled at the response this play got. I managed to bring a few people to tears, one lady I was told had to run to the bathroom she was crying so hard. It was incredible to be a part of, and the best thing about this whole experience was I got to share it with my daughter.
Christmas is going to be interesting this year. Hubby and I have decided to spend it at home. Maybe even start a couple of traditions of our own. We still haven't figured out what my parents are getting. They are the last. I have a couple of things to pick up for Mark and then I am done. Gifts this year are pretty much home made. But you know, after you pay for everything, you quickly figure out that it would be cheaper to go to Wally World and buy the gifts saving a whole lot of time.
We have a few new rules in the house. They have been set in place to help deal with a few things. First of all no should's, should've, need to, ought to, must do or what ever else adds pressure. I have also removed other things such as I'm going to throttle, beat, slap ... etc. We have also removed sarcasm from our tones and attitudes. I grew up with sarcasm, used sarcasm and bantered with it. But sarcasm can also be degrading, cruel and just plain bad behaviour. My Grandmother said, "Those with the wit of sarcasm should have the intelligence not to use it." The household motto now.
Things are settling down and the house is nice and calm. I hate going out now. I can't take all the people. I can perform in front of them no problem. They can't talk to me when I'm on stage and if I've done it right, they won't be able to say anything but what a good time they had. But out in the stores, Lord help me. Kids crying, screaming, people talking loudly, cell phones and the litany goes on. By the time I get home, I'm a shaking mass of nerves.
Yep, time to walk a gentler path. Now Scribble and Rhode, we won't be hearing from Artist for a bit. She has somethings she needs to take care of. Hopefully it won't be too long.
And Scribble I have a surprise for you. Keep an eye on this spot and in a couple of days I will show you what I have been up to.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
A tiny tidbit
According to a friend of mine, when I complained about the road to Solar Hell not having any turn off's he replied, "That's because there aren't any. Too costly and they had to make budget cuts." Its so nice to know I have friends to rally around and help me along this journey.
Actually all our cut backs have been making a difference. Our electricity has been cut about 45%. Not bad for our first year. I'm hoping we can cut it down another 10. That would be cool. I've been utilizing my laptop's battery. For my stuff, it will last over 6 hours. For Hubby'e, maybe twenty minutes. It only takes an hour to charge so, I figure using it off the grid is a better way to go.
Tonight is the last dress rehearsal for Steel Magnolias. I just went through the entire play on the audio disk and hit my cues. Its frustrating that its not happening on stage. My nightmares are beginning. My first one was, I was three hundfred plus pounds and the director is screaming "What the hell happened to my M'lynn". Last night was I was afraid to move from the chair because I knew the actress behind me was going to push me off stage. The actress wasn't the actress who is playing the roll of Truvy. (She would never do it) It was another who for some reason felt I had ruined her life. I think there was a few more anxieties with this one. Tonight I'm taking a bottle of Fireball (cinnomin whiskey) and knock myself out. It will be a blissful dreamless sleep followed by a couple of tablets for the headache in the morning.
Please God, let it be a smooth run.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
It's another Flyday
Every Fall, I spend six weeks of it killing flies. The sad thing is, I begin to hone my skills. By the end of the six weeks, I am a master at the art of killing flies. My favourite weapon is a wet towel numchuck(sp?). Fly swatters are for pansies. The only problem is, the dogs tend to go and hide when the spree starts. Excuse me a moment...
There... much better. The fish will appreciate the fodder later.
So what do two people do without a freezer? They go buy a side of pork that will dress out at over two hundred pounds. And I'm worried about the flies now? I figure between Mom's freezer and Artist's I'll be able to store it safely. On the other hand, we are going to save a fair bit of money. I was pricing out pork at the grocery stores and now I know why I don't buy it as often. Mind you the Hudderites have been smoking their own pork and selling it at the farmer's market. Now that is good stuff. We had their back bacon in bacon bunties last night. Now that was a good supper for Halloween.
Hubby and I hid last night. Last year I bought enough candy for over a hundred kids. We had thirteen arrive and half didn't have costumes. So this year we shut down. It seemed rather boring. Artist popped over for respit from teenagers, and said we were boring. Can't blame her 'cause we were.
Another fly has wandered it's way in here and its annoying me. So I think I will end my blog here because the details after this might get a little gory.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Feverish Rambling
I did find my parents. The information I had for my parents return was sketchy at best. I had flight times and that is it. So after four hours of what I thought was their return flight I began to get really worried. When the airport and airlines could not help me due to the privacy act I really panicked. My mom's painter suggested I call the hotel. Wish I had thought of it, but I was in the middle of imagining the worst. The hotel desk put me right through to their room. When my father answered the phone, I had an instant headache from the relief that they were safe but then I was angry because they were safe. Sounds silly but that's how I felt. My first words to my father were "What the hell are you doing in Honolulu?" To which my father sounded a little surprised, then I said, "Aren't you supposed to be on a flight home?" My mother had said they would be home Saturday. Actually they were leaving Saturday night to arrive Sunday. My info I had received was they would be home on Saturday. Hence the slight panic when they weren't home. They had a good time and I was just relieved they were safe and sound. I'm still debating if the headache was worth it.
Daughter's new boyfriend is somebody she has known since high school. He is nice, intelligent, loves the gran-puppy, thinks the gran-kitty is adorable, has a good sense of humour and has some ambition. Daughter is enjoying the fact that the relationship is based on a friendship rather than...well lets just leave it at that. I already warned him that (before they decided to date) the next guy Daughter brought through the door was going to have to face the Mommy from Hell. I warned my daughter that if these guys still want to date her after meeting me, then they will be worth it. I explained that maybe if I hadn't bit my tongue like I did with the last one that maybe some of the problems would have been exposed sooner. (Like the mommy apron string issue) At least this one has been around and she knows him a little better than some of the others. Personally I liked the sounds of the one in Switzerland. He sounded nice...and was far away.
I wonder why they call it a cold. Is it because when you are sick, you are cold ninety percent of the time? I'm ready for another nap. It didn't help that I was coming down with this when I had to cook Thanksgiving dinner. This of course threw all my tasting right off. The salad was a little too mustardy and the potatoes were a little too garlicy but other than that it was good. The pies were really tasty according to everybody else. I have no idea. All I wanted to do was sleep.
I have mixed pickles ready, sourkraut fermenting (With the scar to prove its all hand done), dill pickles dilling, cherry syrup waiting for pancakes, zucchini relish on the shelf and hopefully I will be adding zucchini marmalade (its better than regular) to the mix. I've been knitting up a storm in preparation for Christmas. Hubby and I are going back to basics for gifts this year. Baskets of homemade goodies...God I can feel the cringes already. My problem is, I've gone to so much work and planning that its beginning to feel inadequate compared to the things my sisters give. I'm worried that mine will look and seem cheap compared to the rest.
This feeling of inadequacy has been around for a bit. I just keep pushing forward in the hopes it will eventually go away. But this cloud seems to hang over me, no matter in what I am doing. Especially with the play. It seems to be worse at rehearsals. The cast we have is incrediably strong and the calibre of acting has raised the notch yet again with our group. I don't want to disappoint the director, not because she is a friend but because she has a vision of what she wants on stage. Having been the one with the vision before, I can respect what she is going through. I want to deliver with all my heart and it has nothing do with the fact that she gave me a meaty role (and I did ask for a challenge). In my mind its because I have Artist and another friend who have walked the nightmare of losing a child. What my character goes through is gentler path of the nightmare. They saw and felt the worst. I can not pretend even through my role to know what that is like and I won't. The only thing I can do is pull from the emotions of the words in the script and hope to God it comes out right for them.
Well, I think I'm going to for a nap now. This cold thing really sucks, especially the way it makes my joints friggin ache. I could handle one or the other but not both at the same time. Oh well. I promise to be more up beat with the next post.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Adventures in Nature
I wouldn't call the trail we followed overgrown because, Artist's dog had no problem. Of course he is much shorter and could go under the fallen trees. We on the other hand had to climb over the deadwood. The idea of following the dog home was a good idea, but he could get through places we couldn't. Of course Hubby was in his limelight. I was waiting for the point of when Hubby put his ear to the ground to listen for signs of humanity to get us out of nature. I don't mind communing with Nature, I just don't like the bugs, thorns and the possibility of running into something with a nastier attitude than me. But Nature doesn't really like communing with me. I pulled out three little nettles from my behind and I know there is at least three more.
Artist had her camera with her so she was taking pictures. The coolest place we found was a little beaver hut. Which would explain all the fallen trees blocking the overgrown trail. On the way back we had to climb over two large trees with spiny branches sticking up over the first (thanks to our national animal). They were handy for the step up and balancing along the trunk but the second log had none. Hubby uses a sapling to help balance and Artist did like wise. I follow suit thinking she is handing me the branch. Nope its swaying to and fro in front of me and the frickin' tree is out of reach. I try to grab it but I start to lose my balance. Artist turns around and I think how sweet she is coming back. Nope! She raises her camera up laughing at me 'cause I'm stuck on a log. I reach for a thin little branch and slowly bend the tree towards me for a better grasp. But I'm laughing so hard at the stupidity of the situation I can't see. I'm stuck on a log with thorns in my bottom, trying to reach for a tree without falling and Artist, my bestest friend in the whole world, is taking a picture. Hubby of course was way ahead wondering what the hell was the problem.
The good news is there was a cup of coffee waiting for me inside Artist's trailer when we got back. That was a damn good cup of coffee too after that twenty minutes of hell in the back woods. Hubby was talked into paintballing with the other big boys. I kept waiting for the screams of pain but not was ever forthcoming so I relaxed. When the men emerged a few had blue paint splattered over them, then I saw Hubby. I demanded to know who picked on my Hubby. He held up his face shield that had a splat right on the forehead. The grin on his face said it all.
It was nice to be surrounded by...well...nice people. And as for Nature, I'll stick to the wilds of the fishpond.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Bedtime Blabber
I just finished reading Whitethorn, by Bryce Courtney. Its the story of an orphaned English boy growing up among the racism of South Africa starting in the thirties. It was a really good read. I have four more lined up. One is just because of the title. "Please don't tell my mom I work on the riggs, she thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whorehouse." Sounds intriguing.
I managed to fracture my finger killing flies. I had a wet towel that was an awesome weapon. I was really taking them down when a cluster of three was sitting on the laundry hamper. I brought the towel down with a flick of my wrist and smashed my finger against a metal bar. Have you ever tried to type with a splint on the finger? It doesn't work. "kl" or "ijk" is the other keys that come up. So off comes the splint. You can't work with it. I burned the other hand on an iron frying pan. I've decided to take a break from living and sit in a corner with another good book.
I'm hoping soon we will have some cukes and zucchini from our green house. We've snacked on some peas and lettuce. Mom's apples are coming in and I can't wait. They are so juicy, snappy and tasty. They make a mean apple pie. I'll be dog sitting so, I plan on just eating the apples off the tree. I made some really nice cherry syrup from my sister's cherry tree. I missed out on the saskatoons. Tomorrow morning I am going to Mom's to pick currents. I love currant jelly. I can't wait.
Well time for bed. Things are going to be hectic tomorrow and I need my sleep. I'd say beauty sleep but there is only so much sleep can do.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fun Time
After we got the yard all cleaned up and looking go nice, I really don't want to leave it. It defeats the purpose of having a yard to enjoy if we leave just as we have the time to spend in it together. Hubby has worked so hard, I think he should just play for the rest of the summer...well...until free dump day at least.
I'm babysitting...or rather puppysitting and a soft little tongue is playing with my foot while I'm trying to type. I'm such a sucker for soft brown eyes and a happy tail. I know I'm am going to have work hard at not being the "crazy dog lady" down the street. (Why do I hear Artist's voice in my head telling me its too late.)
I should be off. I having an overdue coffee at my sister's. I tend to get distracted quite easily with the knowledge there is coffee waiting for me somewhere.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Hot Summer Night
Okay I'm back. I found the length of pipe he was looking for. That seemed to defuse the frustration to a point. Every time Hubby sets out to do something, there is always some kind of hurdle or obstacle he hits. Right now, its a lug nut that is stuck. Tomorrow it will be something else. Usually he has patients but its payday and I'm not working (outside the house, I will clarify that) so he is feeling the crunch. I am learning to shut my mouth as to things that would be nice to have or do. I'm daydreaming, he's trying to formulate it into the budget. So now I am focusing on the things we have out loud when he is around...Yeah staying positive with a raging bull at your heels, some days can be a little difficult.
Tomorrow promises to be another fishpond day under the canopy but I will be going to the tech rehearsal for the Fringe. The Fringe is an international festival of one acts. Plays from all over will be there. Its going to be really cool just be a little bit a part of it from backstage...actually front stage...or could be the side. It will be so much fun. I can't wait.
Damn ran out of coffee, better go refill, it might be a long night.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Pic's and a Post
This is Mom's Aussie Terrior. He is just the sweetest boy even though he is like a Tazmanian Devil from the old cartoons. Always in a whirl.
And this is the sister to the Granpuppy. See what I mean about their faces. She and the Granpuppy just kill me when they look up.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Its a Nice Day!
I'm heading to Mom's in a bit for a cup of coffee. I'm rescuing her from doing too much work. (She had a full nights sleep and instead of enjoying it the woman is working it off)If the situation is bad enough, I may have to call Artist for reinforcement.
It's hell for the first ten minutes as I make sure I greet all the dogs individually so none of them feel ingnored by me. (Mom has a new puppy and she is absolutely to die for cute) Mom's little Chihuahua has only one eye so I have to be really careful with her. But she was there for me when I needed to hold a Chihuahua when mine passed. We have a little bond. Then there is the Australian Terrier who I just adore. He is so full of spit and vinegar he makes you laugh but then he is the sweetest boy with my old Beagle. He wormed his way into my heart like no other. Mom's Airedale could really careless about me. He likes me well enough as I'm the dog sitter and all but really I get the same greeting from him as well the Fed-Ex guy. Then there is the one who has really stolen my heart. She is a Pekenese with a smidgen of Shitz Chu and has a face to die for with a personality that tugs at the heartstrings. I'm hoping to get some shots today for the blog.
Well, a dark figure has emerged from the depth of the black hole called our bedroom. He is grunting and demanding caffeine, its a rather scary sight. Kinda like a zombie movie only I married the zombie instead of running away like normal folks do. Good thing that man loves me. After all, I did get him his morning coffee after the third grunt.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Rainy Day Blues
Its been an interesting weekend. Two sets of friends announced their nuptuals and Daughter broke up with her fellow. I was hurting for her, him, and the whole crappy scenerio knowing there wasn't a thing I could do. As she was telling me, I found myself wishing back to when a hug and cookie could help mend a broken heart. (For years my ex disappointed her. To the point of when he told her something she wouldn't believe him.)
But a hug and cookie aren't the bandages her wounded heart needs. She needs a shoulder and an ear to listen but sometimes I know its not me she wants. I think sometimes I am the last person she wants. Understandably if we could rewind back into the past and view certain aspects of the relationship. (Like my behavior and attitudes.) (It must be hard for a kid when the parents grow up after she did) I think the hardest part of mending relationships is the trust factor. I don't care what kind of relationship we are talking, when the trust is gone, the foundation weakens and sometimes it can crumble under the pressure of the load of stress. Sometimes it can be repaired and rebuilt. I'm hoping for that. I've been asking the Creator but I'm not sure their listening. But then I feel selfish, because deep down I feel I don't deserve her forgiveness so I drop the matter, keep floundering along, being thankful for what I have and hope that somewhere along the path things will come together.
Lord I need another pot of coffee. This is going to be one of those days.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Coffee Break
Friday, June 27, 2008
Eyeball Update
It's going to be a long two days. And what really sucks, is it will be awesome fishpond weather. Sunday, I am so by the pond the entire day and I'm not moving. (I can hardly wait. It's going to be so nice)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
My House is a Mess!!!
Artist used to do this all the time! I haven't a clue how she did it. There isn't enough coffee in the house to get me through this mess.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Pic's and Blab
This is Sir Cocoa Puff. This November he will be 13. He and I have gone through some trial and tribulations together. He has his little ways to tick me off when he is mad at me. He should have been an only cat from the beginning but then I think all cats feel that way. (I know Artist's cats do).
Its funny for all these years I have been having a battle with the cat over the litter box and keeping it clean for him. We ran out of kittly litter last week and I have been using wood shavings meant for the Guinea Pig Molly. Now we know that I'm always looking for a cheap short cut. I think I found another one. The shavings absorb all the smell, easy to clean up after and the dogs aren't curious as to what's in the box. And the cat hasn't protested once. (Trust me it's not nice when he is not happy) So lets see, three bucks for a huge block of chips that will last two months compared to the regular brand I buy for a small bag that lasts three weeks and pay ten. I don't mind going cheap if the clean up isn't that bad and so far the cheaper is the better.
I love it when that happens. I do a temprary fix cause its cheap and quick then it works out to be the better way. As long as Cocoa is comfy and happy with things then it all works out. My mother actually referred to me as frugal. I don't think I can be considered frugal when I am now typing on a new laptop. but I will be honest as say the payments are really low but the debt is bothering me. And my not bringing in that little bit extra is causing some tension.
So I have the bright idea, we are going to have a garage sale. Get rid of all the extra stuff we have and bring in a little extra. Good idea right? Wrong! Me and my stupid ideas. I did not realize all the extra crap we have in the house that we haven't even looked at for...(how long have we been here) at least ten years. Time to get it out. That and the remanents from the pink floral and cutesy days. (Ugh! Shiver, quake) I have a complete set of dishes that has been used maybe twelve times at the most. Its very pretty but...its pink...its floral...and just not us any more. (So it never was Hubby)
I bought the set when I turned thirty. I was having a bit of a crisis realizing how past the last ten years went by and knowing that the next were going to go faster. (I'm built for comfy more than speed) I wanted some finer things, essentially I was craving culture of any kind. Hind sight is twenty twenty. I thought I wanted to move up in life, when in fact I needed culture and to be part of a civilization that was not akin to the Ozarks and a backwards thinking process. Moving here to Wetaskiwin and going through my dirty thirties taught me it wasn't moving up in life that I needed, I needed to enjoy the life that I had. So the dishes, if they don't sell, will be packed away and given to somebody who will love them and use them. My neighbour is getting married and she is young and cute. Maybe I'll pass them on to her. She strikes me as the type to like pretty things.
My coffee cup is empty which means I must go reload. In order to do that, I must pass by the garage sale stuff which will mean I will have to get busy. Or I can sit here on the puter until the addiction for the coffee kicks in. Either way I have to move. Damn and its fish pond weather outside too.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A Glimpse of Gardens
Friday, June 13, 2008
So this is Morning?
I'm up early as a result of Hubby rolling over and slamming his knees into mine. This of course jolted me awake as my own knees were now vibrating with pain. (He has a penchant for taking over the entire bed leaving me with two inches) Here's the kicker, he then gets mad at me for waking him by telling him (albeit in a not so cheerful morning voice) to move over. That was an hour ago and my knees still haven't settled.
I think though I am finally going to have to break down and go to the Doctor. I find it interesting that as a smoker I am told that I am to blame for the rising costs of the medical system. Why I find that interesting is because the last time I saw my Doctor was one night at work. He commented it was nice to see a patient outside of his office. But my last official visit was...Hang on I'm removing some cobwebs from the old brain here...Oh gotta move that box of crap to the I think it is safe to say its been a long while if I can't remember the last time I went. Its probably blogged if I recall that was the trip with the smelly guy so we are talking it's been at least over a year. So I'm still not sure how my trips to the Doctor's once every three years is a strain on the medical system. But I'm sure someone will explain it to me.
Don't mind me, I haven't had a full cup of coffee and being up early has thrown the Beagle off routine which is going to mean that today is going to be Doggie Hell with the Beagle. The larder is empty and he still figures there is still a crumb to be had. Mind you since he has been on the berry juice I have been having more bad doggie days with him getting into things.
This weather has been crap which may explain why the joints are complaining. I am missing out on valuable fish pond time. Its been quite stormy lately.
I do have an update on our attempts of going green. I have always wanted a reel mower because I do not have to fight with a starter or a cord. The best thing is they are easy to use. But Mr. Eco-Geek himself got a little upset when I suggested we get one. (It was amazing, the broken lawn mower all of a sudden worked again). I'm still not sure what got into his craw but one is on the way and hopefully the old gas one will get us twenty bucks in the garage sale we are holding next weekend. But then that is entirely different story and one I am waiting to see the outcome of before I open my big mouth. I figure this will be a good project for us to let out a little stress with each other that is if we don't throttle each other in the mean time.
The birds were twittering but now all I hear is the caw of a crow and dark clouds are looming in the window. At least the Beagle is snoring for now. Lord I need another coffee.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
My First Promo Shot

Okay the weekend went by way to quick. This is the picture we are using for Author Promotion Pictures for the website and where ever else they go. (Haven't a clue) It will be updated every six months to keep it fresh. I thought I'd let you guys see it first. I really hate the camera. I think it has to do with that legend of the camera steals part of your soul. It scared me as a kid.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Tens Years and Still Going!!!
Hubby's mother keeps commenting on how Hubby has changed and that I've done a good job. Hubby hasn't changed all that much, he is just a little softer in his tones, a little more respectful in his attitude and he is a lot more relaxed about things (I know Artist, hard to believe but he is). She enjoys watching us affectionately banter and she knows that despite his DNA I adore her son. I was the first daughter in law and man what a trail to blaze but his family is a remarkable family that allows for a lot forgiveness. But his mom and I have a bond that none of the others have. Funny two generations of wives with the same complaints of our Hubbies' DNA. I adore his mom for her strength and her knowledge. She and my mother put together would pretty much be an entire set of encyclopedias. That much knowledge in the same room could dangerous. Add a little wine, and viola we could have one hell of a therapizing session. (Keep it mind Artist)
One of the things that Hubby and I did was work very hard at becoming united. We learned to communicate, not that we don't have our moments but the difference is the moments don't last and we now can sit down and have a discussion rather than a fight. Hubby and I had to relearn how to talk to each other and our attitudes towards each other. He had to learn to soften his tones, and I had to learn how not to sound critical. We started to delve into the tantric meditations and sex. (Hope nobodies shy) Through that we learned how to communicate and how to become a unit. Every once in a while we let things go astride but we always bring it back together. I love the fact that Hubby was willing to do this for us.
Now, I must confess here that without Artist's and my therapizing sessions, I would not have maintained some of my sanity. (the little that's left) We have our rants, our vents, and even our Cat Food Pie thoughts but it always ends on a positive note. We remind each other of the good points in our marriages and our Hubbies. If the men really knew how much entertainment they provided us, they really would not be happy. Well, my Hubby has a slight idea but he doesn't mind. He is a very good sport.
I may never want to go back to it, but I like the fact that Hubby and I have some history. There's a lot to that ten years that was not just growing pains. It has made us so much stronger. I'm proud to be called Mrs. I'm proud of my husband and we have made our relationship our priority. The great thing we leave room for others who need us and we step aside and let the other do what they need to do. But at night, we work very hard at leaving it all aside and let the rest of the world go away. That has become 'us' time.
We are running away this week end. Daughter has gracially offered to look after the dogs. I think I'll start packing...on the other hand are we really going to need clothes with a jacuzzi in the room?
Happy Anniversary Honey!
I can't wait to see where this ride takes us. I'm glad its with you.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Beagle and Beans
Within tow days, I was pulling him off the top of the toilet, the table and pulling him out of mischeif everytime I turned around. To my astonishement, yesterday he picked up a toy wanting to play. He hasn't done that in years. Pick up a toy and trot it to the fridge and drop it for his carrot or milk? Yes but to play no. I've noticed little things like, he now sleeps through the night without needing to go out. He is breathing better and acting like he is much younger. His eyes have cleaned up and his energy seems to have picked up. Its only been two weeks.
Hubby was a little miffed when he found out I was giving some to the dog. I explained I was sharing my dosage with him. He hasn't said much but I know his co-workers think I'm a little daffier than before. The way I look at it is, is a capful of berry crap three times a day, lets me sleep at night without having to get up and open a door (or getting that lovely winter chill when your still half asleep) then to me its bloody well worth it. If it gives him a wee bit more of a comfortable old age and a bit more quality of life then I'm happy. To be honest, it makes things a little easier with him and to me, who deals with him and the other four on a daily basis, its worth it.
So I think my garden is in. Now we will see what happens. I had started everything in my one greenhouse. Hubby didn't seem that intent on putting in this garden and I'm panicking because I have sprouts and no where to put them. So I come up with a back up plan just in case. Well back up plan is now the garden. So here is what I did. We dragged the second greenhouse over by the first, lifted the sod, turned the dirt and planted the peas and root veggies. I figure with five dogs running around the yard, under cover is the safest place for the plants. I was so exicited to see the radish start to poke up. the nice thing about the green house they are in, is the two ends roll right up, so on the hot days they will get lots of sun and air but they will be protected from dogs and wind.
In the first green house, I have zucchini, cukes, tomatoes, peas, bean, peppers, herbs and pumpkins. The pumpkins haven't sprouted yet so we will see but then they take a little longer than the rest. Mom gave me some strawberries plants. They were in tons of dirt and it was cool, raining and muddy when I put them in their bed. They never stressed at all. In our circular garden in the back I have lettuce and herbs plants in flowers and my rhubarb.
I spent four hours in my front beds cleaning out the grass roots and other weeds. I now understand the meaning of Grassroots. Some of the roots I ripped out extended the entire length of the flower bed. There is more dirt than plants but at least its decluttered dirt. My view of weeding is to declutter rather than actully weeding.
Speaking of which, I do have to get into the roses sooner or later. It might as well be sooner. Then I can finally curl up with my book, pond side with a strong cup of coffee...I think I'll go attack the roses.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Quality Time with Artist
So off we go. First thing, it wasn't two and half hours it was three and half hours. The joggers were slow this year so the time had a variance factor they did not tell us about. The weather was windy, chilly and slightly spitting on us. Good for the runners but crappy for the volunteers. Artist says if we take the first check point then we will be done sooner. Good thinking, I'm all in. It was great fun along the highway with the wind and of course the wakes of huge frieghter trucks just to add to the frivolity of the event. Our friend Leo was saying how they were blocked by the wind. Great, but we were done first damn it. We sat huddled with the umbrella as a wind barrier with our luke warm coffees and smokes. (Aren't we setting a good example for the jocks) We waved to on lookers rather giving us the questioning look. Its amazing how many people actually waved back and some waved first. The old biddies were the best, if they didn't stare straight ahead, they would give a smile and wave. Artist at times was too busy yelling at the drivers with cell phones connected to their ears. The highlight of the morning was watching a lovely young policeofficer change his shirt. I might have embarrassed him when I called over that I was just admiring. Oh and to the guy in the ancient blue four cyclinder tin can with the whiny muffler, sorry Buddy but Artist and I are taken.
I did learn a lesson today. There is not only a generation gap in communication but there is a gap between activity groups. For example, during this morning's event one of the runners was talking to us trying to find out how many runners had passed. (Three, it was really easy to keep count)I asked how long the marathon was and he answered it was a relay (and my mind went blank)...something kilometers. I cracked a joke about being in theatre and not understand runners lingo. The guy says, "Oh that 22.8 miles" Gap? I'm thinking Grand Canyon size gap. Gotta love Jocks, even when they grow up they have one track minds.
All in all, I have to say inspite of the weather, I had fun. Artist made it so. Come to think of it, with Artist at my side and a coffee in my hand, its always fun.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hats off to Hubby
Hubby just spent the last eight hours getting my new computer to work. Let me tell you I was ready to ship the thing back. Its the windows vista and its crap. It won't let you on to secure sites like this one and of course it also blocks your email. I kind of need both for the blogs and the publishers if I want to keep in contact. But he finally got it. Got what? I don't know but things are working and life is a little better at the moment. I like some of the features but I really do not like the vista program. XP was way easier to navigate from someone who can turn things on and off like me.
Hubby is my Hero!!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day Ponderments
I think the best thing that came out of this play was that all pulled together to make sure the production hit the stage. The other thing was meeting the props lady and the new light tech was pretty cool too. It gave, Leo, Aquarian and I more private jokes for future events and it even included a little more bonding time with my daughter. Another good thing was I got to watch Artist's daughter test the waters for another avenue to let out her artistic side. I got to reconnect and get energized about next season. So I guess all in all it was a pretty positive experience inspite of all my grousing.
When you think about it, that is what creativity is all about. Its the birth of the idea then growing pains of putting it together; overcoming the mental blocks and hurdles getting to the mental image to put it out there. From there the energies take hold and if the energies are of the same intent whether it be from one soul or thirty, art breathes its first gasp and then takes flight. What ever the venue, medium or words are there seems to be a process. And for each journey, we seem to keep doing it.
Today of course is Mother's Day. I had a lovely morning coffee with Artist as Hubby went golfing with our future son in law. (It was a birthday gift for him and I figure a perfect Mother's Day gift for me. Although that was not his intent.) I went to my mom's, dropped off a card then came home and continued writing. So all in all it has been a relaxing day and after this last play, really well earned.
On that note I think I will go relax in the jacuzzi tub for an hour with a really good book.
Friday, May 09, 2008
A Little of This and a lot of That
I can't say I haven't learned a few things about this as well and not things I was expecting like safety of the set. Who ever designed this thing was not keeping in mind back stage or the actors. Parts of the stage are black and we can't light the part or the audience will see back stage. I hate open sets for that reason. I can't wait until I direct again. I just want to get a little more experience in different mediums before I do again.
Did you see Scribble's mushrooms? They look really good. I was salivating looking at the pretty white globes. I'm on the hunt for a kit here. I love the idea of growing your own food and being somewhat self sufficient. Although I'm beginning to question if our garden will see the light. No pun intended there. I found chemical free dirt and manure. Hubby hasn't called yet. He has to leave the week we should be putting in the garden and there may be budgetary reasons as to why. We are hoping to have a bill paid off at the end of the month but getting there seems like it will never happen. We have been worse off. We couldn't even afford to think about paying off bills.
Oh yes, and who says Karma doesn't rear its ugly head. Not me. Nope. I'm a firm believer that once you get it, it should be driven in with a sledgehammer until there is nothing left but mush.
Okay long ago in the blogging world I posted about a certain nun I had to deal with during the production of the Sound of Music. To sum up the situation in a nut shell, she was playing childish high school games and was an overall Bitch. No other word for it. (Sorry if I offend anybody) She tried with me and after I thought about it, I was going to call her out and say lets keep it respectful. Holy Crap! I walk into work the other day and guess who is starting? Ugh! Now I know I have been good lately. I've been really working on the zen thing and with this play its been very difficult at times. Honestly, I am wracking my brains trying to figure out where something went wrong.
I'm not getting any sympathy either. Not that I'm expecting any, but the laughter and giggles that is a result of my telling others who know and encountered the 'Nun from Hell' as we affectionately called her, is really not helping.
Okay so here's my little problem. The Cosmetics Manager and I don't get along. Actually to be really honest, I have no respect for the ditz who is more interested at playing the manager and being the manager. She loads off work onto others, leaves early, comes in late, and for the first six months she worked there. I never saw her. (I do shop there) She is too big a girl to be pulling the cutesy act which I have no use for. And she knows it.
So if I ask not to work with her, I know CosLady will schedule her just to wreak a little havoc in my life. If I don't say anything I will end up working with the Nun from Hell. Either way, I'm not sure there is enough Zen to help me through this. I will be talking to my Cash Manager. We may not like each other all the time but I have a lot of respect for her and her position. She is a damn good manager and I respect her for it. If nothing at all, it will give her a laugh along with the rest of them.
I really need another cup of coffee.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Just Unloading
Three more shows to go. Not that I'm counting. Oh no, that would imply I want this brutal experience to end. Why no, I don't want to quit until I'm in a bodycast being rolled out on to stage to flog the freakin' flowers.
I must say this though, Leo and Aquarian, are in this venture with me so at least they help to make the experience fun. Both have a wicked sense of humour so you never know what might happen. We have the coolest Props Lady though. She is so much fun. I'm going to ask the director if we can keep her. She is just a doll and unfortunately for her she has a wicked sense of humour too. That makes her perfect for the club. She's already warped. And that's hard to get prewarped.
Hubby is not to happy though. We haven't seen each other since Wednesday. And to add to the guilt, his birthday is tomorrow. He already got his birthday gift. He bought a laptop (of course the trade off is he has to get rid of a few other computers)(And no more doom and gloom talk)Normally I would have had at least his dinner figured out. But my attitude today is, that's tomorrow and I'll deal with it then.
Okay the sun is disappearing and the clouds are looking a little ominous. I think today I will bury myself in the corner of my house and go get lost in another world. After I grab more coffee.
Friday, May 02, 2008
I know I said It Before
Now I mentioned that the original director quit and two others stepped in. There was a shift in stage-managers on move in date that upset the applecart so to speak. Last night our Front of House manager resigned as a result of an argument so I'm not really sure what happened there. Tonight the lead missed his cue cause he was still in the dressing room then blamed the stage manager because he missed the call for returning upstairs. Two of the props (Pies) got squashed and the set change had already taken too long so the director watching from the booth cause he is also the sound tech is having fifty fits, and then of course is a little choked because the two edible pies (that are needed) wasn't there. I'm freaking because I can't find the pies that I had ready to go. Then I get an argument from the lead Actress that nobody eats them. I tell her that's what the director wants and she still argues. To top it all off, I smashed my hip into part of the protruding set. (Note to self, when directing make the set safe. I am mainly back stage with a couple of bit parts as a bystander.) Our producer who is also is doing a bit part, thought I broke my hip. All I can say now, is I am in a lot of pain and its only the second night. We have four more to go.
I can't wait until its over.
Artist's daughter is also in the play and is doing a great job. Tonight she was really animated. I called over and confirmed if she needed a ride. Once it was confirmed she didn't then I asked to talk to her mom. Here's the response I got. "She's out for coffee with someone. I don't know who she is cheating on you with."
Alright Artist, I just want to know one thing. Is her coffee better than mine? If so I understand. Its hard to refuse the seduction of a good cup of coffee. The scent that calls to the tastebuds awakening the hidden desire for that bold, succulent liquid...
Okay I think I need a coffee. I'm just hoping to get enough in my system to ride out the next four shows
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sun is Shining and we have move in.
The first of our seeds came in. The itch to get my hands in dirt is growing worse. I think I might have infected Artist with the bug 'cause she's talking about putting in a garden too. My mother on the other hand is compeletly amused by my next adventure. Her words of "Someday you will want a garden and I won't help you." are ringing in my ears. And she is sticking to it. I think its hiliarious and I'm respecting her and not asking. She was quite tickled with the apple trees and lemon tree I have budding in my pots of dirt.
Thoughts of gardening will have to be put on the back burner with a couple of other things until our production of "Sweeny Todd" is over on May 10th. I have bit parts which I volunteered for as they were lacking in cast and crew members. I want to have another musical under belt for when I direct one. I have plans to shake up the town with a few plays (If I can get the go ahead). During "More Fun Than Bowling" I got a taste of directing a play with a controversal topic. And I liked it. I liked making an audience laugh but I liked making them think more. I have also learned as part of this cast who I would and would not cast in a play even if they were perfect for the part. One thing I have learned is a cast and crew is about the play. One person can upset that balance through vanity or whinning. I like directing not for the complete control as many like to think, (A director never has total control) I loved it because of the creative ideas that float around and I learned more about myself than I ever did going on stage.
Hubby is now up and I must get ready fro the day. We are moving the props and set into the stage. (We can't wait until we have our own venue right now its across the street with the memorial centre) Then we have a reheasal. Oh well, soon I'll be playing in the dirt and relaxing.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Cabin Insanity
At least something got achieved during the snowstorm. I was telling Scribble that we have had more snow dumped on us during those four days than we did all winter. I know, I know the farmer's need the water and for those of us who want to garden but snow? Rain would've have worked too. Its less cold and heavy.
Do you have any idea what it is to be locked up with Hubby with no way out? Especially when he is in the middle of an obsession? Solar hell does not describe it. Trapped would be the better word. Its Cabin Fever at its worst. More like a Cabin Insanity that takes hold. I retaliated though. I got even by thinking out loud of my story ideas. It only took forty minutes before he figured it out. And who says Hubby's not quick? Certainly not me.
Once we aired the blue cloud from Hubby's cursing at the website editor we then ventured into the realm of fantasy and actually bought the organic seeds for the garden and green houses. I call it fantasy because of the snow at the moment. I know the idea of growing a garden is way harder then it looks. I also envision myself in the middle of a weed patch thinking the Director's Creed. "What the F*** was I thinking when I said 'Lets do this.'?"
Hubby this morning has decided to take on a new project, but he says as with all new ideas, this one won't be done until the others are finished. Do I believe him? No. You see, sitting in our basement is a server for computers that he was just looking into. We have two PSP (Sony Playstations). Both because he was just looking. The first time was to check out its capacity. The second was to hack and turn into a mini computer. Then he was just looking into a lap top. Guess what arrived today? The case to his new lap top. Okay so you see my point.
Today's new project is a diesel engine running on veggie oil. There is not enough Coffee, booze or relaxants to get me through this. Ed Bagely Jr is nothing on my Hubby to live with. Yes, I think this is a good idea and yes it is cleaner and recycling. And it would save us on the prices of petro. Its just the hell of going through the buying, altering, swearing, and then there's him.
Artist complains to me about her Hubby's spending habits. At least he is upfront and honest by saying "We should get this or I want to get that." My Hubby uses any excuse but that. My favourite is 'I'm just looking' cause that leads to 'I'm buying'. Then he gets upset cause the bills have gotten higher. So you might see my hesitation on the car converting thing.
At least the snow has stopped and the sun is promising to rid us of the snow. Solar Hell is at least warm.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A little bit of change
Saturday, April 19, 2008
High Noon
Hubby's mind is amazing. He can see these things in his head, while I on the other hand can only envision up to the last six inches. And Artist is not throwing me a life line here. She's right into this and Hubby loves it. We have another set of friends, I shall refer to as Leo and Aquarian. Both are the stereotypical of their Solar Signs. Leo loves to play and she rarely holds a grudge. She is into the solar thing too, while her partner, Aquarian is on my side of the fence. She and I agree, whilst this is a good thing, we are a little nervous of the outcome.
I'm referring to Hubby and I as Eco-geeks now. I'm on a rampage of removing plastics from the house and using alternative solutions to chemical cleaners. Hubby is coming up with ways to reduce our household emissions and incorporate both wind and solar. Of course then there is the garden we are planning. I'm calling it my Victory Garden. It will be a victory if I get a bean or a tomato from the damn thing.
Oh look the sun is out. A shining orb in the sky to remind me of the hell, it's rays will emit upon my household. God I miss the fishpond.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
On the Road to Solar Hell
I have discussed on previous posts the cursed DNA that Hubby is inflicted with, which is the getting the last six inches done. I am still waiting for the floor thingy that holds the floor down to be placed, the bathroom to be finished, the front entryway finished, I know I am missing a few things but the point is made. Yes I agree that I could do some of these things myself, but that is not the point. The point of it is that no matter what my Hubby tackles, its never finished.
Now Hubby wants to build a Solar Water Heater, with the idea and mind it will take the heat (pun intended) off our bills. He is toying with the idea wind mills on the peak of the roof. (I envision little headless birds laying around our yard.) I agree this is a good plan of action and I am trying not to be freaked out about the cost of things.
What I am freaking out about, is the fact with all the projects on the go, it will yet be another thing that will remain undone. I will be honest and say that I am envisioning a bulky mechanical thing with tubes and piping running all over the house, holes cut every where and outside walls torn apart.
I have tried the "you must finish everything off first before starting on the Solar Project." Have you ever tried to stop a stampeding bull with a mission? I haven't but I think I'm about to be embroiled in the battle. Stubborn and Obstinate are not the adjectives to use here. Its more like tunnel vision and the world outside is cast away.
Hubby grew up in a house like it and it never bothered him. Why would it, he is the one not doing the cleaning so its not important to him. I grew up in a house without baseboards. For some odd reason no matter the house we lived in (and it was alot. I was a pulp mill brat moving on average of every four years) my father removed the baseboards and never put them on until they were selling the house. Its one of those male things but now that I live with it, I want to take a cattle prod and a whip and beat out my frustrations on the man.
So Hubby sits night after night planning and researching his project. On his days off he is restless and anxious to get started. I would like him to use that energy on the house at present but I get hit with "We don't have the money." Yet he has the money to go by a solar panel. Now I'm ripping my hair out.
Deep breath...gulps of coffee...where's my damn lighter...Okay, I'm fine now. So as you can tell I'm getting more and more stressed out about this. Hopefully you can see the bind I'm in. Like I said for the title, I'm on the road to Solar Hell, and can't find the turn off.
Life is about to get interesting.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
One of those days
It was a great morning until I looked outside and saw the blanket of white coating everything. Not enough to be called a snowfall but just enough the dogs are able to get their paws nice and muddy to track through the house. Of course the Chihuahua sees white and runs the other way.
I'm having a bad day with the joints. Everything decided to complain the second I got up. It wouldn't have been so bad except the head is pinging just to add more fun. I probably shouldn't have gone out in the cold wind yesterday. The ever changing pressure is a little hard for the head to handle. One minute sun, the next is snow and rain. All I want is serious fish pond time this summer and if all of this up and down weather leads to fish pond days, I'll grin and bear it.
Hubby was at a info meeting for a product his store sells. It happened to be for ponds. Hubby was telling the sales rep how I at first didn't want the pond and proceeded to live by it for the entire summer. Hubby said if he has a stressful day, he heads straight for the pond during the summer to sit and relax. The Sales Rep started to laugh and say that he and his wife were the same with theirs. Kind of nice to know that we aren't the only ones daffy about our pond. I think the best thing about it is, I can truly relax or get totally absorbed in my writing without worrying if the Beagle wanders off I won't need to clean up the wake of his destruction.
I do have some news to share, my novella that I wrote, was released yesterday. Its a sweet story so everybody can read it. (Apparently I still need to work on my blogging techniques as I was hoping the picture would appear right about ...Here.) Its dedicated to my parents whose love story is pretty remarkable except the dedication didn't get printed with the book cause I normally add that during the editing process. Now I know to add it at the beginning. Hey its a learning process.
The coolest thing happened with this cover art. I was showing it to a friend at my mom's. She in turn was showing it to her mother-in-law who was there as well. My mom was telling her that I wrote in erot... then turned and asked the category that I wrote in. She couldn't remember the word, but as soon as I said, erotica, she said, that's right, as if I had said mystery. She was so cute. I just want her with me when the first book deal comes along. It would be really cool to share that with her. Of course, if leads to a book signing outside a sex shop, I'll take Artist with me. My mother would come up with too many outlandish schemes. Thrusting Thighs was one of her suggestions as a character for a novel. Trust me, with my mother's imagination, it gets a whole lot worse. At least now, I know where I get it from.
I can feel the sneaking up of the sub-conscious telling me to get the synopsis done for the hopefully above to happen. I'll confess, I'm procrastinating. avoiding it and coming up with what ever else to do before facing it. But its hanging over my head like a cloud. Its in my thoughts as to how I'm going to tell a story without telling the story. But I should get it done. Hubby has been gently nagging at me to finish it. He's right, then I can get to the others that are rolling in my head. I know that if I get the ideas down the stories will formulate themselves. But a synopsis is different, its taking three hundred pages and condensing it down to five or six. Of course I wasn't smart and kept my outlining notes. The next one I will. Hopefully it will make the task easier.
Damn! My coffee cup is empty. Guess this means I'd better fill it. Sigh, but at least the dishes that need doing will give me ten more minutes of procrastination.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Kitchen Fever
Instead it has been a battle of wills with the canine creatures of this household. I have made a discovery this morning that Beagles are the equivalent of a Canine Donkey. They both bray, both are stubborn and both can be led by a carrot.
Mind you I will say one thing about the Beagle, at least he avoids the muck and mire in the backyard. He hates getting his paws muddy. The Airedale and the CorgieX on the other hand I swear seek them out then run through the mud at least five times ensuring the muck will be tracked in. I could grow a garden with what gets tracked in. Have you met Bleach? Its my new best friend. My mop is threatening to go on strike with the overtime its been putting in. I don't dare put the laundry out until things have dried up. I envision my greyish white sheets with mud splatters from the dogs galloping by.
I was looking around my kitchen as I was kneading the dough last night and a memory came from a deep recess of my mind. I had to have been very little because my Grandmother who was a very tiny woman, (she weight 98lbs when she married my grandfather and was four feet eleven inches in height) seemed so big to me. She was baking something and pulled up a chair for me to help her. She opened a drawer and there was a rolling pin just my size. The kitchen was long and narrow with huge cupboards. Sometimes when I'm baking bread (its always bread for some reason) I can sense her. I realised last night that everything I want to do to the kitchen if very reminiscent of that kitchen from her house.
In the middle of the summers here I love to walk into my mother's kitchen early in the morning. It smells like my Nona's kitchen and there was always aromatic smells wafting from the windows. But its a certain combination of the scent of coffee, the promise of the heat in the cool of the morning and a linger of something baked. It was a homey smell. I think because we moved so much, my Nona's house was a rock. She was always there. At Easter time she would send up Scallili, (Sp?) a deep fried Italian cookie dripping in Honey. I used to look so forward to it. In someways it was so much more anticipated than the chocolate.
No wonder my kitchen is so important to me. Its like my zen room. I can pound out frustrations on the bread, contemplate the meaning of life as I'm washing dishes or reminisce as I'm stirring a sauce. With everything Hubby is planning, I'm now nagging that we arrange the room so it will be a practical room. Right now, everything is haphazard as it was all just a temporary solution. The purple cupboard is getting to me now along with the too high green counter with no space, and the one that isn't anchored down cause it was supposed to be makeshift. I'm really sick of makeshift after 10 years.
Its just cabin fever ranting combined with an itch to clean out everything but can't until the ground has dried out. Or it could be that Hubby never seems to work anymore. This week alone he has had four days off. I finally asked him if he still had a job or was this the company's polite way of letting him go. He says he still has a job.
Well the coffee cup is empty and that cannot happen in this house. A full cup of coffee is necessary for the creative energies to flow...Why do I hear Artist laughing at me inside my head...Okay... how about I'm a caffeine addict that can't be more than four feet away from the coffee pot or things get really ugly around here? Yup, that got rid of the voice from down the street cackling at me. My daughter informed me that Artist and I cackle. I told her to remember who cackles and not to mess with us lest I pull out my wand.
Remember, girls giggle, women can't be bothered, we outright laugh.
Happy Easter Everyone.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Spring has sprung...
Scribble, and Rhode, here's one to put a big grin on your faces. Artist will just have to bear with the repeat.
Hubby went on a course, last Thursday with another fellow from work who is the seed manager. Hubby tells me, emphatically and aggressively that Seed Man said there are no organic seeds available. There are only three seed companies in North America and they all have the altered seeds. I answered, that a grocery store here in town was offering certified organic seeds. "No they had to have been Altered, Seed Man said you can't get them, he's tried." Here came the raging bull. Cause I said organic seeds could be found. So the argument ensued. And yeah, he was mad. I finally said "You can't tell me that somebody who wants to start farming organically can't get the seeds." He shot back with "Why do you have to be so argumentative?" I hit him with "Why do you have to be so negative."
So to prove me wrong he jumps online. What comes up but "Parkdale Organic and Heirloom Seeds" I heard a very quiet "Oh" coming from the Hubby as I left the room. Yeah, that was a pretty big ouch. Not only was I right, but I proved both Hubby and Seed Man wrong. Hows that for hitting two birds with one stone?
He's still smarting. I know because now, what ever I want for seeds, I can get. He's not saying a word. He told his mother last night about it and I called out saying that I would fill her in on the details later. That was met with a glare. Hey, if your dumb enough to back some idiot at work, to your wife no less, then be prepared for the gloating.
Its a really good thing the man loves me.
That reminds me, I should fire off an email to Park whatever seeds and thank them. After my coffee.