Friday, June 27, 2008

Eyeball Update

The eyeballs are gone! They are sitting in my drive waiting with price stickers on them. You were right Scribble. Love your crap, be one with you crap then have a garage sale. I have been open for an hour. At eight this morning, I was in Artist's backyard stealing a table. I eyed another one but it was too far away and I could only carry one. (I'm pretty sure we discussed it at some point in the week)

It's going to be a long two days. And what really sucks, is it will be awesome fishpond weather. Sunday, I am so by the pond the entire day and I'm not moving. (I can hardly wait. It's going to be so nice)


Sue J said...

Oooooh, think of all the replacement crap you can buy with the proceeds ;-))
I'm very curious about the eyes. What exactly are they?

Anonymous said...

Dolls, Teddy Bears, paintings, ornaments, doggie knick-knacks and let me tell you, they were everywhere at one poing in time. (Shudder Shudder)

Hubby is already worried about the replacement crap coming in. (Really really big grin)

GrannyDiane said...

How did the garage sale go? Good, I hope.