Monday, June 23, 2008

Pic's and Blab

This is Sir Cocoa Puff. This November he will be 13. He and I have gone through some trial and tribulations together. He has his little ways to tick me off when he is mad at me. He should have been an only cat from the beginning but then I think all cats feel that way. (I know Artist's cats do).

Its funny for all these years I have been having a battle with the cat over the litter box and keeping it clean for him. We ran out of kittly litter last week and I have been using wood shavings meant for the Guinea Pig Molly. Now we know that I'm always looking for a cheap short cut. I think I found another one. The shavings absorb all the smell, easy to clean up after and the dogs aren't curious as to what's in the box. And the cat hasn't protested once. (Trust me it's not nice when he is not happy) So lets see, three bucks for a huge block of chips that will last two months compared to the regular brand I buy for a small bag that lasts three weeks and pay ten. I don't mind going cheap if the clean up isn't that bad and so far the cheaper is the better.

I love it when that happens. I do a temprary fix cause its cheap and quick then it works out to be the better way. As long as Cocoa is comfy and happy with things then it all works out. My mother actually referred to me as frugal. I don't think I can be considered frugal when I am now typing on a new laptop. but I will be honest as say the payments are really low but the debt is bothering me. And my not bringing in that little bit extra is causing some tension.

So I have the bright idea, we are going to have a garage sale. Get rid of all the extra stuff we have and bring in a little extra. Good idea right? Wrong! Me and my stupid ideas. I did not realize all the extra crap we have in the house that we haven't even looked at for...(how long have we been here) at least ten years. Time to get it out. That and the remanents from the pink floral and cutesy days. (Ugh! Shiver, quake) I have a complete set of dishes that has been used maybe twelve times at the most. Its very pretty but...its pink...its floral...and just not us any more. (So it never was Hubby)

I bought the set when I turned thirty. I was having a bit of a crisis realizing how past the last ten years went by and knowing that the next were going to go faster. (I'm built for comfy more than speed) I wanted some finer things, essentially I was craving culture of any kind. Hind sight is twenty twenty. I thought I wanted to move up in life, when in fact I needed culture and to be part of a civilization that was not akin to the Ozarks and a backwards thinking process. Moving here to Wetaskiwin and going through my dirty thirties taught me it wasn't moving up in life that I needed, I needed to enjoy the life that I had. So the dishes, if they don't sell, will be packed away and given to somebody who will love them and use them. My neighbour is getting married and she is young and cute. Maybe I'll pass them on to her. She strikes me as the type to like pretty things.

My coffee cup is empty which means I must go reload. In order to do that, I must pass by the garage sale stuff which will mean I will have to get busy. Or I can sit here on the puter until the addiction for the coffee kicks in. Either way I have to move. Damn and its fish pond weather outside too.

1 comment:

GrannyDiane said...

Cocoa is beautiful! Even with all their quirks and stuff, how can we not love our babies?