Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quality Time with Artist

Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain, like volunteering with the theatre group to help out the runners group with a marathon. "All we have to do is stand on a corner and tell them where to go." "Its only for two and a half hours." Okay, sure, yeah I can help out, sure I can find someone to take with me. Hello Artist, whatcha doin on Sunday?

So off we go. First thing, it wasn't two and half hours it was three and half hours. The joggers were slow this year so the time had a variance factor they did not tell us about. The weather was windy, chilly and slightly spitting on us. Good for the runners but crappy for the volunteers. Artist says if we take the first check point then we will be done sooner. Good thinking, I'm all in. It was great fun along the highway with the wind and of course the wakes of huge frieghter trucks just to add to the frivolity of the event. Our friend Leo was saying how they were blocked by the wind. Great, but we were done first damn it. We sat huddled with the umbrella as a wind barrier with our luke warm coffees and smokes. (Aren't we setting a good example for the jocks) We waved to on lookers rather giving us the questioning look. Its amazing how many people actually waved back and some waved first. The old biddies were the best, if they didn't stare straight ahead, they would give a smile and wave. Artist at times was too busy yelling at the drivers with cell phones connected to their ears. The highlight of the morning was watching a lovely young policeofficer change his shirt. I might have embarrassed him when I called over that I was just admiring. Oh and to the guy in the ancient blue four cyclinder tin can with the whiny muffler, sorry Buddy but Artist and I are taken.

I did learn a lesson today. There is not only a generation gap in communication but there is a gap between activity groups. For example, during this morning's event one of the runners was talking to us trying to find out how many runners had passed. (Three, it was really easy to keep count)I asked how long the marathon was and he answered it was a relay (and my mind went blank)...something kilometers. I cracked a joke about being in theatre and not understand runners lingo. The guy says, "Oh that 22.8 miles" Gap? I'm thinking Grand Canyon size gap. Gotta love Jocks, even when they grow up they have one track minds.

All in all, I have to say inspite of the weather, I had fun. Artist made it so. Come to think of it, with Artist at my side and a coffee in my hand, its always fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

E\It really was the best of days my friend, side by side we can do anything with joy.

Hugs Artist