Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Ponderments

The play ended last night and I will be happy if I never hear the name Sweeney Todd again. I, for one, was more than happy to pitch in at 'Tear down' and do as much as possible to make the finality of it happen.

I think the best thing that came out of this play was that all pulled together to make sure the production hit the stage. The other thing was meeting the props lady and the new light tech was pretty cool too. It gave, Leo, Aquarian and I more private jokes for future events and it even included a little more bonding time with my daughter. Another good thing was I got to watch Artist's daughter test the waters for another avenue to let out her artistic side. I got to reconnect and get energized about next season. So I guess all in all it was a pretty positive experience inspite of all my grousing.

When you think about it, that is what creativity is all about. Its the birth of the idea then growing pains of putting it together; overcoming the mental blocks and hurdles getting to the mental image to put it out there. From there the energies take hold and if the energies are of the same intent whether it be from one soul or thirty, art breathes its first gasp and then takes flight. What ever the venue, medium or words are there seems to be a process. And for each journey, we seem to keep doing it.

Today of course is Mother's Day. I had a lovely morning coffee with Artist as Hubby went golfing with our future son in law. (It was a birthday gift for him and I figure a perfect Mother's Day gift for me. Although that was not his intent.) I went to my mom's, dropped off a card then came home and continued writing. So all in all it has been a relaxing day and after this last play, really well earned.

On that note I think I will go relax in the jacuzzi tub for an hour with a really good book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)