Friday, May 09, 2008

A Little of This and a lot of That

One more, two to go and then Sweeny Todd is done. As much as I am looking forward to the end of this show and already planning next season's audition, I have to say that this cast is bringing them to their feet. And in a good way.

I can't say I haven't learned a few things about this as well and not things I was expecting like safety of the set. Who ever designed this thing was not keeping in mind back stage or the actors. Parts of the stage are black and we can't light the part or the audience will see back stage. I hate open sets for that reason. I can't wait until I direct again. I just want to get a little more experience in different mediums before I do again.

Did you see Scribble's mushrooms? They look really good. I was salivating looking at the pretty white globes. I'm on the hunt for a kit here. I love the idea of growing your own food and being somewhat self sufficient. Although I'm beginning to question if our garden will see the light. No pun intended there. I found chemical free dirt and manure. Hubby hasn't called yet. He has to leave the week we should be putting in the garden and there may be budgetary reasons as to why. We are hoping to have a bill paid off at the end of the month but getting there seems like it will never happen. We have been worse off. We couldn't even afford to think about paying off bills.

Oh yes, and who says Karma doesn't rear its ugly head. Not me. Nope. I'm a firm believer that once you get it, it should be driven in with a sledgehammer until there is nothing left but mush.

Okay long ago in the blogging world I posted about a certain nun I had to deal with during the production of the Sound of Music. To sum up the situation in a nut shell, she was playing childish high school games and was an overall Bitch. No other word for it. (Sorry if I offend anybody) She tried with me and after I thought about it, I was going to call her out and say lets keep it respectful. Holy Crap! I walk into work the other day and guess who is starting? Ugh! Now I know I have been good lately. I've been really working on the zen thing and with this play its been very difficult at times. Honestly, I am wracking my brains trying to figure out where something went wrong.

I'm not getting any sympathy either. Not that I'm expecting any, but the laughter and giggles that is a result of my telling others who know and encountered the 'Nun from Hell' as we affectionately called her, is really not helping.

Okay so here's my little problem. The Cosmetics Manager and I don't get along. Actually to be really honest, I have no respect for the ditz who is more interested at playing the manager and being the manager. She loads off work onto others, leaves early, comes in late, and for the first six months she worked there. I never saw her. (I do shop there) She is too big a girl to be pulling the cutesy act which I have no use for. And she knows it.

So if I ask not to work with her, I know CosLady will schedule her just to wreak a little havoc in my life. If I don't say anything I will end up working with the Nun from Hell. Either way, I'm not sure there is enough Zen to help me through this. I will be talking to my Cash Manager. We may not like each other all the time but I have a lot of respect for her and her position. She is a damn good manager and I respect her for it. If nothing at all, it will give her a laugh along with the rest of them.

I really need another cup of coffee.


Sue J said...

If 'Nun' starts, can't you take her over to one side and just tell her you're not putting up with any of her sh*t at work? Maybe you will have to give as good as you get right from the start.

Anonymous said...

Actually, that's kind of what I had in mind. I figure she might be smart enough to leave things alone.