Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hats off to Hubby

So, the long and the short of things are, I quit my job after a manager called me at home to bawl me out. So I called back after hanging up on her and spoke to my direct supervisor and quit. I had a verbal altercation with a new employee and she complained to her manager that I had been rude. (Of course nobody mention the three apologies afterwards) I was angry not rude and I was angry at the very person who called me and bawled me out. I don't have respect for a so-called manager who yells across the floor in front of cashiers and customers, "Should tell her not to bother coming in." (I called in after a reaction to meds for the head that resulted in the head in the toilet for three hours with a migraine. Not nice) And I should have said something at that point and I didn't. I should have said something when the general manager asked if there was anything I needed to discuss with him. I didn't so now I don't have a job. Sucks too because I was rather enjoying that one.

Hubby just spent the last eight hours getting my new computer to work. Let me tell you I was ready to ship the thing back. Its the windows vista and its crap. It won't let you on to secure sites like this one and of course it also blocks your email. I kind of need both for the blogs and the publishers if I want to keep in contact. But he finally got it. Got what? I don't know but things are working and life is a little better at the moment. I like some of the features but I really do not like the vista program. XP was way easier to navigate from someone who can turn things on and off like me.

Hubby is my Hero!!!

1 comment:

Sue J said...

My daughter's got Vista and she doesn't like it much either. I prefer 98, but they have or are phasing out things for that so now I have XP, and I believe that that will become obsolete soon too. They have to get money out of your pockets or their kindoms will collapse.
Sorry to hear you pulled the pin on your job. Was it due to the person you didn't like working there?
Never mind. Everything happens for a reason. There must be a wonderful job somewhere just waiting for you to apply. Have yourself a big pot of coffee and enjoy the break.
Were you polite when you snatched it, or did you tell 'em to stick their job where the sun don't shine?