Sunday, May 04, 2008

Just Unloading

Its Sunday. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing my almost dry laundry, the crows in the back ground make for an interesting sound against the traffic. I do not want to move. Every part of my body is in pain. My hip I can't discern from my knees at the moment but I'm sure when I walk I'll be able to tell the difference.

Three more shows to go. Not that I'm counting. Oh no, that would imply I want this brutal experience to end. Why no, I don't want to quit until I'm in a bodycast being rolled out on to stage to flog the freakin' flowers.

I must say this though, Leo and Aquarian, are in this venture with me so at least they help to make the experience fun. Both have a wicked sense of humour so you never know what might happen. We have the coolest Props Lady though. She is so much fun. I'm going to ask the director if we can keep her. She is just a doll and unfortunately for her she has a wicked sense of humour too. That makes her perfect for the club. She's already warped. And that's hard to get prewarped.

Hubby is not to happy though. We haven't seen each other since Wednesday. And to add to the guilt, his birthday is tomorrow. He already got his birthday gift. He bought a laptop (of course the trade off is he has to get rid of a few other computers)(And no more doom and gloom talk)Normally I would have had at least his dinner figured out. But my attitude today is, that's tomorrow and I'll deal with it then.

Okay the sun is disappearing and the clouds are looking a little ominous. I think today I will bury myself in the corner of my house and go get lost in another world. After I grab more coffee.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

And I thought people in the Americas didn't use clotheslines, only dryers! I love to see washing (especially nappies - not that you see that very often anymore. Nobody wants to wash them) flapping on the clothesline. And I love the mournful sound of crows.
Just popped in to let you know the mushrooms are poking their little heads through the peat. They are only very small yet - about the diameter of your little finger. I will post some pics in a day or two when they look like real mushrooms.