Monday, August 25, 2008

Bedtime Blabber

So the Fringe is over and amazingly enough we didn't get too chewed up. All the critics attacked the play itself and its writing. The actors on the other hand were commended for what they had to work with. It was an awesome experience. I also managed a part for our next production so I should be busy for a while.

I just finished reading Whitethorn, by Bryce Courtney. Its the story of an orphaned English boy growing up among the racism of South Africa starting in the thirties. It was a really good read. I have four more lined up. One is just because of the title. "Please don't tell my mom I work on the riggs, she thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whorehouse." Sounds intriguing.

I managed to fracture my finger killing flies. I had a wet towel that was an awesome weapon. I was really taking them down when a cluster of three was sitting on the laundry hamper. I brought the towel down with a flick of my wrist and smashed my finger against a metal bar. Have you ever tried to type with a splint on the finger? It doesn't work. "kl" or "ijk" is the other keys that come up. So off comes the splint. You can't work with it. I burned the other hand on an iron frying pan. I've decided to take a break from living and sit in a corner with another good book.

I'm hoping soon we will have some cukes and zucchini from our green house. We've snacked on some peas and lettuce. Mom's apples are coming in and I can't wait. They are so juicy, snappy and tasty. They make a mean apple pie. I'll be dog sitting so, I plan on just eating the apples off the tree. I made some really nice cherry syrup from my sister's cherry tree. I missed out on the saskatoons. Tomorrow morning I am going to Mom's to pick currents. I love currant jelly. I can't wait.

Well time for bed. Things are going to be hectic tomorrow and I need my sleep. I'd say beauty sleep but there is only so much sleep can do.


GrannyDiane said...

Hope you're doing better. What are saskatoons?

Anonymous said...

Saskatoons are a berry. Kind of like a blueberry but are usually found on a high bush, rather than low. And they make a great tasting pie...mmm pie...I think I'll be busy this afternoon