Friday, August 08, 2008

Hot Summer Night

I am sitting here by the fishpond at the moment trying to work on a story. Hubby is stalking around the yard in frustration. I am probably not helping by continually sitting here but there isn't a whole lot I can do when it comes to changing a tire. Just one moment...

Okay I'm back. I found the length of pipe he was looking for. That seemed to defuse the frustration to a point. Every time Hubby sets out to do something, there is always some kind of hurdle or obstacle he hits. Right now, its a lug nut that is stuck. Tomorrow it will be something else. Usually he has patients but its payday and I'm not working (outside the house, I will clarify that) so he is feeling the crunch. I am learning to shut my mouth as to things that would be nice to have or do. I'm daydreaming, he's trying to formulate it into the budget. So now I am focusing on the things we have out loud when he is around...Yeah staying positive with a raging bull at your heels, some days can be a little difficult.

Tomorrow promises to be another fishpond day under the canopy but I will be going to the tech rehearsal for the Fringe. The Fringe is an international festival of one acts. Plays from all over will be there. Its going to be really cool just be a little bit a part of it from backstage...actually front stage...or could be the side. It will be so much fun. I can't wait.

Damn ran out of coffee, better go refill, it might be a long night.

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