Saturday, November 01, 2008

It's another Flyday

Its early Saturday morning. The dogs are snoozing, Hubby is at work, even the cat is curled up in a corner. Its the kind of morning I live for. Quiet, calm and peaceful. Well almost, if the fly that is hanging around would go hang out on a window instead of insisting on sitting on my screen, I wouldn't have a problem.

Every Fall, I spend six weeks of it killing flies. The sad thing is, I begin to hone my skills. By the end of the six weeks, I am a master at the art of killing flies. My favourite weapon is a wet towel numchuck(sp?). Fly swatters are for pansies. The only problem is, the dogs tend to go and hide when the spree starts. Excuse me a moment...

There... much better. The fish will appreciate the fodder later.

So what do two people do without a freezer? They go buy a side of pork that will dress out at over two hundred pounds. And I'm worried about the flies now? I figure between Mom's freezer and Artist's I'll be able to store it safely. On the other hand, we are going to save a fair bit of money. I was pricing out pork at the grocery stores and now I know why I don't buy it as often. Mind you the Hudderites have been smoking their own pork and selling it at the farmer's market. Now that is good stuff. We had their back bacon in bacon bunties last night. Now that was a good supper for Halloween.

Hubby and I hid last night. Last year I bought enough candy for over a hundred kids. We had thirteen arrive and half didn't have costumes. So this year we shut down. It seemed rather boring. Artist popped over for respit from teenagers, and said we were boring. Can't blame her 'cause we were.

Another fly has wandered it's way in here and its annoying me. So I think I will end my blog here because the details after this might get a little gory.


dip said...

Ahhh! A voice from your past, my dear. Your old psuedo Auntie. I spoke with your Mum a couple days ago. Catch up…mostly on the crappy political scene here. She told me what you have been up to.

To GrannyDiane: Saskatoons are Sarvis berries, or June berries. Delicious, mouth smacking jam is made from them!

By the by, we were much more into this Halloween thing than you and Mark. There weren’t any Trick or Treaters attempting the arduous trip to our home. So, precisely at the hour of dark, when the world was at it’s thinnest, we built a raging protective fire in the rock enclosure on the beach. Uncle Ken managed to land head over teakettle as he struggled his way from 4 wheeler to the huge stone bench. I assumed that was his required ‘dance’ for the evening. Mine was later after the fire achieved it’s highest flames and I was finished roasting the sausages. Around and around the stone circle of flickering light I danced, uttering some unintelligible Gaelic words (I only know three). Cursing those spirits attempting to come through this night. The big pluses for the evening? U.Ken was quickly able to pull himself up onto the bench, & I didn’t trip over the uneven stones around the fire…..AND, the sausages were delicious. Yeah, well, it’s a Scottish thing. I do every year!

I have to say, Luv, I dislike Science Fiction. But, seeing as how it is YOU doing the writing, and you ALWAYS have been a fav of mine, AND I just read the online blurbs of the books, I must now purchase and read. Keep up the great work.

Oh, if this gets posted twice, blame the white cat & me not paying attention to the keyboard while guzzling the ever present morning coffee. I figure since you haven’t heard from me in a long long time, you can read it 2 X and think it is 2 letters!

Auntie Jo

GrannyDiane said...

Oh! Now you have me hungry to try something different. That jam sounds awfully good!! I wouldn't be able to find that here in RI, I'm sure, right?