Saturday, April 19, 2008

High Noon

So as you may have noticed I will be on a certain theme for a bit. Hubby is driving me insane. I love the man to death but I may have to hurt him. He found through his researching the net a book on Solar Heating. This thing has everything; walls, chimney's and rooms. He starts reading it to me. As his words float over my head all I'm thinking is 'I'm in Solar Hell.'

Hubby's mind is amazing. He can see these things in his head, while I on the other hand can only envision up to the last six inches. And Artist is not throwing me a life line here. She's right into this and Hubby loves it. We have another set of friends, I shall refer to as Leo and Aquarian. Both are the stereotypical of their Solar Signs. Leo loves to play and she rarely holds a grudge. She is into the solar thing too, while her partner, Aquarian is on my side of the fence. She and I agree, whilst this is a good thing, we are a little nervous of the outcome.

I'm referring to Hubby and I as Eco-geeks now. I'm on a rampage of removing plastics from the house and using alternative solutions to chemical cleaners. Hubby is coming up with ways to reduce our household emissions and incorporate both wind and solar. Of course then there is the garden we are planning. I'm calling it my Victory Garden. It will be a victory if I get a bean or a tomato from the damn thing.

Oh look the sun is out. A shining orb in the sky to remind me of the hell, it's rays will emit upon my household. God I miss the fishpond.

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