Wednesday, April 09, 2008

On the Road to Solar Hell

I love my Hubby, and I don't think any would argue that our marriage is a good. We work hard at it and keep the channels of communication open. Yes indeed I love my husband. Now that the issue of organic seeds has been resolved, I now find myself in a totally different argument. And its not that I even disagree with what he is doing, its the visions that haunt me.

I have discussed on previous posts the cursed DNA that Hubby is inflicted with, which is the getting the last six inches done. I am still waiting for the floor thingy that holds the floor down to be placed, the bathroom to be finished, the front entryway finished, I know I am missing a few things but the point is made. Yes I agree that I could do some of these things myself, but that is not the point. The point of it is that no matter what my Hubby tackles, its never finished.

Now Hubby wants to build a Solar Water Heater, with the idea and mind it will take the heat (pun intended) off our bills. He is toying with the idea wind mills on the peak of the roof. (I envision little headless birds laying around our yard.) I agree this is a good plan of action and I am trying not to be freaked out about the cost of things.

What I am freaking out about, is the fact with all the projects on the go, it will yet be another thing that will remain undone. I will be honest and say that I am envisioning a bulky mechanical thing with tubes and piping running all over the house, holes cut every where and outside walls torn apart.

I have tried the "you must finish everything off first before starting on the Solar Project." Have you ever tried to stop a stampeding bull with a mission? I haven't but I think I'm about to be embroiled in the battle. Stubborn and Obstinate are not the adjectives to use here. Its more like tunnel vision and the world outside is cast away.

Hubby grew up in a house like it and it never bothered him. Why would it, he is the one not doing the cleaning so its not important to him. I grew up in a house without baseboards. For some odd reason no matter the house we lived in (and it was alot. I was a pulp mill brat moving on average of every four years) my father removed the baseboards and never put them on until they were selling the house. Its one of those male things but now that I live with it, I want to take a cattle prod and a whip and beat out my frustrations on the man.

So Hubby sits night after night planning and researching his project. On his days off he is restless and anxious to get started. I would like him to use that energy on the house at present but I get hit with "We don't have the money." Yet he has the money to go by a solar panel. Now I'm ripping my hair out.

Deep breath...gulps of coffee...where's my damn lighter...Okay, I'm fine now. So as you can tell I'm getting more and more stressed out about this. Hopefully you can see the bind I'm in. Like I said for the title, I'm on the road to Solar Hell, and can't find the turn off.

Life is about to get interesting.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

We had solar hot-water heating two houses back when it was fairly new.
It was great in summer (many hours of strong sunlight) and lots of very hot water. But in summer here you don't really want a very hot shower. In winter (not so hot) when you DO want hot showers, we had to compensate with electricity. Now we use natural gas for water-heating.
I think a windmill and storage batteries would be good here. It's always windy.