Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What to do?

So the house is relatively neat. I have some quick cleaning to do. I could work on the books or find something to occupy my time. Its a blah day. You know, one of those days that you just can't seem to get it together. I should really clean out the wardrobes and underneath the beds but I just can't seem to get the motivation going today. Maybe it will strike later.

Maybe I should just take today and relax. Just kick around the house. Mind you a few dust bunnies went rampaging by as soon as the furnace started blowing. I could always vacuum out the vents. Hopefully there will be something on TV.

But then I do not watch a whole lot of TV. Three years ago in an effort to cut down expenses we decided to cancel the cable. Here is the sad thing, we reconnected a month ago and there was still nothing on. You would think after three years they would have come up with something new. Its all the same shows but with different formats. Oh well. Hubby and I are debating whether or not to cancel it again. It will be if we don't watch it. Our border is quite delighted with it as we have satellite and she has found a zillion more music channels to drive me insane with. I was looking so forward to the empty nest syndrome. (Heavy Sigh) We all have our little dreams.

Actually I have discovered Jazz. Its great. I put it on and go to work house cleaning. I very rarely listen to music before Jazz. The music I used to listen to, now gives me a headache. I get tired of classical and I am not into today's top forty. I was flicking through the music channels one day and discovered Jazz. It must be that turning Forty thing.

Even the house is reflecting a difference of taste. No more florals or pink all through out. I have a deep red dining room and a cinnamon coloured parlour. I have been putting away and getting rid of things that just do not reflect who we are. Both Hubby and I have changed in our tastes. I think they have definitely matured. Got knows it needed to happen. I will admit too that the reason for putting the stuff away originally was to stream line the house for quicker cleaning. Out of it came a look we like better.

Its cools when that happens. Its like the food. I changed our diet to one that was for our health rather than taste. The downside was all the cooking I have to do but the upside is, we are finding the food is tasting better. I have had to relearn how to cook and stop feeling guilty that my Grandmother's recipes are just sitting on the shelf collecting dust. I figure in time I will be able to incorporate those recipes into our diet by altering some of the ingredients to fit our diet. The cool thing about it is some of those recipes go back hundreds of years. They also take two and three days to prepare. Now I'm thinking, if I use the better ingredients for those recipes, I bet they would taste even better.

I think I figured out what I am doing today after all.

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