Monday, October 23, 2006

It Don't Impress Me Much

I've started writing like, eight times now trying to formulate thoughts and get them down but for the last few days I have been feeling distorted in the brain. I have also been extremely bitchy because of my back and the frustration of not being able to get anything done. I have laundry piling up, books to get done, dusting and the coralling of the dust bunnies rampaging throughout the house. I really miss the fish pond right about now.

Have you ever met someone that you know you won't like no matter how you try to put aside your notions. I met a woman yesterday that showed up for auditions in a production I am co-directing. She walked in carrying Psycology Today as though she was a Jehova Witness pawning off their dogma. Some how I knew before she opened her mouth she was going to be from the east. "Would you believe I got lost, and I'm from Toronto."

My mother said it years ago. People from Toronto love to let you know where they are from and usually do within the first two sentances. You know, "The shopping is nice here but the malls in Toronto, where I live, have so much more variety." type comments.

Maybe what irritated me about the woman was the way she opened the magazine ensuring we could see the cover as she held it. The other director and I stepped out for a quick smoke while we waited for more to show up. When we came in she makes the comment about my dirty habit.

First of all, its not only rude to make such comments but as she doesn't know me from Adam what gives her the right to say something. I did not smoke around her or near her as I was outside enjoying the sun having a discussion about the production. I didn't say to her, you know, if you laid off the food, you might fit on the chair. I just smiled sweetly and said as every thing else in my life was organic, I needed one vice so my husband wouldn't think I was perfect. This of course caused my co-director to make a snorting sound while he tried not to laugh.

I did try with her. I gave her a run down on the type of group of people the society was made up of. An idea of the type of productions we do. For community theatre we do very ambitious productions. For some reason, the more difficult, the more appealing. We should be more afraid of the calibre we have taken on but nope, we just forge ahead hoping seats will get filled. Finally after nobody else showing up, we let her read. Somebody has got to show up for the other auditions. Or we might be in trouble.

The thing I think that I picked up on was that Psuedo-type personification. Its hard to describe. It was the show of the magazine and the way the comment was said. It was the general demeaner of her. Just one of those things I guess.

Here's the thing. If you want to impress me with your intelligence, try using a sense of humour. Psycology Today isn't going to impress me.

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