Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sick Days

So Hubby has been home sick for two days. This has thrown everything out of whack for me. Its hard to explain. He comes downstairs blows his nose, then asks me or tells me something. If I am in the middle of something he will get cantankerous because I wasn't listening. The fact that I might be up to my armpits in receipts or in the middle of cooking has no bearing in his thought process. If I stop what I am doing and wait, he'll look at me and ask "What?" or something stupid like "Just ignore me." Pretty hard to do that. Like when he wants to watch a friggin movie at 9:00 am.

Okay here's the thing. I am prone to migraine headaches. I try to avoid many of the triggers that can throw me into that void. One of them is loud noise in the morning. I do not play any music or have the TV on in the morning because that can aggravate my brain. I need total calm and quiet. There are some days I know I can't be anywhere near the noise. Those are the days I just putter around the house or do books. Even the dogs can sense those days. The Beagle uses them as an excuse to stay cuddled up to me.

The Beagle hates the days I am busy cleaning. I never stay in one spot. One time I was running upstairs so much he gave up following me. I found him laying on a middle step snoozing waiting for me to emerge from cleaning the upstairs bathroom. I love that dog way too much. He gets away with way more stuff than the others. I love the other dogs just as much but the Beagle has a very special place in my heart. There is something about old dogs that pull at the heart strings.

On the other hand when they walk into the parlor and pee on a blanket without asking to go out then we have a problem. Time to dig out the bleach.

1 comment:

The Joyful Artist said...

I do believe it is time for you to walk down the street to Artists house..........