Sunday, October 15, 2006

Coffee Talk

So my eyebrows still friggin hurt. Who ever came up with waxing was either a sadist or a masochist. May be even a bit of both. Hubby just laughed at my glowing red eyebrows. Yeah, there's a moment I want to remember. Hubby leans in to kiss me and then starts chuckling. I feel that love.

I decided today to put myself on a time schedule. I thought it might be a way to streamline my time to allow for more fun. This way I would have a good idea of where my time is spent. This was an effort in futility. OMG! I spent three flippin hours trying to sort my time in an effort to have more free time. I haven't progressed anymore on this. I work at it later in my spare time.

The other day I ran out of coffee and Artist generously offered to loan me some. Then she quips "but your so picky about your coffee." Picky! Not when you've been nursing what little caffeine you have in the house. Eight tea bags in a cup of boiling water does not substitute for a good strong cup of coffee. The caffeine rush just wasn't there. I stood and smelled the coffee Artist loaned me that I sent Hubby into the blinding cold to retrieve. (Okay, so it was really mildly dewy and chilly. And Hubby only had to go five houses down.) It was good coffee. I don't know what makes her think I'm picky. (Okay so maybe it was my pontification on the organic stuff but other than that I really can't figure it out.) She hasn't tasted my mother's coffee lately. Weak is an understatement. More like hot brownish watery liquid with hint of French vanilla and the reused coffee bean. I drink water because I like my water plain and cold. I love my mother dearly but the coffee needs a little something. Like maybe Coffee? Thank god she will never read this.

Hubby picked up coffee beans. He thought they were organic but they weren't. I don't care, its caffeine and a lot of it. I immediately brewed a pot filling the house with its erotic...I mean exotic aroma. Hubby's response "What? At this time of night? I have to work early." Strike fantasy number 28 off the list. Again.

Hubby was grumpy last night because we lost one of the fish. Ming went to the fish pond in the sky. Hubby was really upset. I know there are people who really connect to fish and have emotions of fondness towards their fish. I am not one of them nor did I think Hubby was. I guess I found out he is a closeted fish lover. I like my black molly named Pickles. I think he is cute and I enjoy watching him but I don't think I'll be stampeding around the house like a furious bull if Pickles happens to die.

Maybe Hubby didn't have enough caffeine yesterday?

1 comment:

Sue J said...

Men NEVER get colds, from my experience. It's always double pneumonia. It's usually whatever you had last week and managed to get by without anyone noticing you were sick. Apparently, and I have this straight from himself, things become more serious with each person a disease is passed on to. So, if you and the kids had it first, then it's really chronic by the time they get it. Oh, and they don't like to suffer in silence either :-)))) Lots of sighs and little groans.