Thursday, October 26, 2006


The house is almost back to normal. I say almost because that Dark Being called Hubby is once again home today and I am very afraid. With a sore back we rearranged the bedroom because it needed to be cleaned. Of course my logic was then just clean the bedroom rather than rearrange the bedroom. I know silly little woman's logic. There is not enough robaxa-what ever its called to help with the pain I felt the next day. And he flippin wonders why I like it much better when he is working.

I am just thankful at the moment he is off at someone's house playing with their computer. I like my time in the house alone so that I can get things done without interruption. I am so not looking forward to retirement with him around 24/7. I may have to come up with longer Honey Do lists. The only problem with those, Hubby doesn't read them. I am still waiting for trim to be put up in our daughter's room and it was re-done about two years ago now.

I had a discussion with his mother on this topic. There is something in the men's DNA in his family ancestry that they can not finish an entire reno without leaving six inches that needs to be done. Ask Artist about my floors. I have lino being held down with slate tile cause Hubby is going to fix it. That has been five years now.

When I do something I really have to struggle to finish the entire project so I do not have to come back later. Hence the done part. For Hubby, this is a strange concept. I love the man dearly but there are times when I just want to reach out and slap him hard. You know, so hard your hand hurts. Then I take a deep breathe and slowly let it out and begin the nag.

Its like the grinding of the teeth at night. I have not had a decent night's sleep for two months now. One night it was so bad I could hear it as I was going downstairs to the sofa to sleep. The sofa is a love seat and trying to share it with a snoring Beagle and a shaking Chihuahua doesn't guarantee a fitful sleep either.

But hey, all is quiet except for the grinding of the washing machine. Maybe I can sneak a cat nap in. Somehow, I just can't see it happening. Oh well, thank God for Coffee.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

Oh, I so know where you're coming from! My husband could procrastinate for Australia and win gold. He needs a lot of 'thinking' time before he starts a project - like years. However, when he gets started he does a fantastic job, and finishes it. I keep threatening to buy a cattle-prod. I gave up nagging - doesn't work. Neither does anything else and I do tend to lace my comments heavily with sarcasm, and that just amuses him.
One thing I've found DOES work - if I go and get the tools and say I'll do it myself. Then he has to step in because, apparently, I'm not capable :-))))) Doesn't say it, but I know he thinks it.