My house is in a pickle. There is clutter, books waiting to be done(I do one set of books for a client), vacuuming, dusting needing to be done. In the mean time I am getting our freezer stocked for winter. Its all part of my little scheme to keep costs down during the more expensive months. I sit down with a cup and coffee, as I type a very large dust bunny rolls by my chair. Where it came from, I have no idea. I don't think what I have could be considered a bunny. Bunnies are cute and soft. I think I have Dust Hippopotami(Spell check hasn't a clue either). Large, lumber and anything but cute. This is my cue I need to take a serious break from the harvesting (from the farmer's market)(I'm scary with a sythe) and give the house a cleaning.
I hate dusting. Always have. I have a sister who loves dusting. I knew insanity run in my family but I didn't think it end up all in one place. I always liked the look of every thing when I am finished. I try to cheat. I have used the vacuum cleaner attatchments. That works well to a point. You are still left with a film. Then I redusted. So I wasted more time trying to cut corners. I have tried dry dusting with a cloth or duster. That didn't work. I ended up having to go over everything with an oil or polish to actually pick up the dust instead of it floating through the air causing one of the dogs (The big one of course.) to sneeze. So instead of being quicker I spent twice as long redusting and cleaning a wall.
Not that my house is neat and tidy at the best of times. When it is, nobody is around to see it. I guess the messier the house the more coffee you serve. If I know someone is coming over who has never seen the house, I can clean it from top to bottom. The advantage of having a smaller older home. The disadvantage, is there is no storage areas to stash the clutter. So I actually do clean out as well. Its a bonus I guess.
Time to attack the dust bunnies. I think one just ate my Chihuahua.
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