Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sun is Shining and we have move in.

The birds are singing and the snow is melting. Yea! Scribble on her blog had pictures of a mushroom growing kit. It looks so neat and the way she describes it, it sounds relatively easy even for a brown thumb like me. So I'm on the hunt.

The first of our seeds came in. The itch to get my hands in dirt is growing worse. I think I might have infected Artist with the bug 'cause she's talking about putting in a garden too. My mother on the other hand is compeletly amused by my next adventure. Her words of "Someday you will want a garden and I won't help you." are ringing in my ears. And she is sticking to it. I think its hiliarious and I'm respecting her and not asking. She was quite tickled with the apple trees and lemon tree I have budding in my pots of dirt.

Thoughts of gardening will have to be put on the back burner with a couple of other things until our production of "Sweeny Todd" is over on May 10th. I have bit parts which I volunteered for as they were lacking in cast and crew members. I want to have another musical under belt for when I direct one. I have plans to shake up the town with a few plays (If I can get the go ahead). During "More Fun Than Bowling" I got a taste of directing a play with a controversal topic. And I liked it. I liked making an audience laugh but I liked making them think more. I have also learned as part of this cast who I would and would not cast in a play even if they were perfect for the part. One thing I have learned is a cast and crew is about the play. One person can upset that balance through vanity or whinning. I like directing not for the complete control as many like to think, (A director never has total control) I loved it because of the creative ideas that float around and I learned more about myself than I ever did going on stage.

Hubby is now up and I must get ready fro the day. We are moving the props and set into the stage. (We can't wait until we have our own venue right now its across the street with the memorial centre) Then we have a reheasal. Oh well, soon I'll be playing in the dirt and relaxing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cabin Insanity

So after spending two days staring at the screen and figuring out how to deal with Html and all that crap, I can officially say that the website and its blog are done. With the exceptions of a few spelling errors that will eventually be corrected (You know the last six inches that needs to be done)its ready for business.

At least something got achieved during the snowstorm. I was telling Scribble that we have had more snow dumped on us during those four days than we did all winter. I know, I know the farmer's need the water and for those of us who want to garden but snow? Rain would've have worked too. Its less cold and heavy.

Do you have any idea what it is to be locked up with Hubby with no way out? Especially when he is in the middle of an obsession? Solar hell does not describe it. Trapped would be the better word. Its Cabin Fever at its worst. More like a Cabin Insanity that takes hold. I retaliated though. I got even by thinking out loud of my story ideas. It only took forty minutes before he figured it out. And who says Hubby's not quick? Certainly not me.

Once we aired the blue cloud from Hubby's cursing at the website editor we then ventured into the realm of fantasy and actually bought the organic seeds for the garden and green houses. I call it fantasy because of the snow at the moment. I know the idea of growing a garden is way harder then it looks. I also envision myself in the middle of a weed patch thinking the Director's Creed. "What the F*** was I thinking when I said 'Lets do this.'?"

Hubby this morning has decided to take on a new project, but he says as with all new ideas, this one won't be done until the others are finished. Do I believe him? No. You see, sitting in our basement is a server for computers that he was just looking into. We have two PSP (Sony Playstations). Both because he was just looking. The first time was to check out its capacity. The second was to hack and turn into a mini computer. Then he was just looking into a lap top. Guess what arrived today? The case to his new lap top. Okay so you see my point.

Today's new project is a diesel engine running on veggie oil. There is not enough Coffee, booze or relaxants to get me through this. Ed Bagely Jr is nothing on my Hubby to live with. Yes, I think this is a good idea and yes it is cleaner and recycling. And it would save us on the prices of petro. Its just the hell of going through the buying, altering, swearing, and then there's him.

Artist complains to me about her Hubby's spending habits. At least he is upfront and honest by saying "We should get this or I want to get that." My Hubby uses any excuse but that. My favourite is 'I'm just looking' cause that leads to 'I'm buying'. Then he gets upset cause the bills have gotten higher. So you might see my hesitation on the car converting thing.

At least the snow has stopped and the sun is promising to rid us of the snow. Solar Hell is at least warm.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A little bit of change

Okay so I got bored with the old look and decided to change it a little. Actually I updated it because we updated my website and added a couple of new pages plus a picture. The picture will be replaced as soon as possible for my own peace of mind. I really look like my dad, nose and all.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

High Noon

So as you may have noticed I will be on a certain theme for a bit. Hubby is driving me insane. I love the man to death but I may have to hurt him. He found through his researching the net a book on Solar Heating. This thing has everything; walls, chimney's and rooms. He starts reading it to me. As his words float over my head all I'm thinking is 'I'm in Solar Hell.'

Hubby's mind is amazing. He can see these things in his head, while I on the other hand can only envision up to the last six inches. And Artist is not throwing me a life line here. She's right into this and Hubby loves it. We have another set of friends, I shall refer to as Leo and Aquarian. Both are the stereotypical of their Solar Signs. Leo loves to play and she rarely holds a grudge. She is into the solar thing too, while her partner, Aquarian is on my side of the fence. She and I agree, whilst this is a good thing, we are a little nervous of the outcome.

I'm referring to Hubby and I as Eco-geeks now. I'm on a rampage of removing plastics from the house and using alternative solutions to chemical cleaners. Hubby is coming up with ways to reduce our household emissions and incorporate both wind and solar. Of course then there is the garden we are planning. I'm calling it my Victory Garden. It will be a victory if I get a bean or a tomato from the damn thing.

Oh look the sun is out. A shining orb in the sky to remind me of the hell, it's rays will emit upon my household. God I miss the fishpond.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

On the Road to Solar Hell

I love my Hubby, and I don't think any would argue that our marriage is a good. We work hard at it and keep the channels of communication open. Yes indeed I love my husband. Now that the issue of organic seeds has been resolved, I now find myself in a totally different argument. And its not that I even disagree with what he is doing, its the visions that haunt me.

I have discussed on previous posts the cursed DNA that Hubby is inflicted with, which is the getting the last six inches done. I am still waiting for the floor thingy that holds the floor down to be placed, the bathroom to be finished, the front entryway finished, I know I am missing a few things but the point is made. Yes I agree that I could do some of these things myself, but that is not the point. The point of it is that no matter what my Hubby tackles, its never finished.

Now Hubby wants to build a Solar Water Heater, with the idea and mind it will take the heat (pun intended) off our bills. He is toying with the idea wind mills on the peak of the roof. (I envision little headless birds laying around our yard.) I agree this is a good plan of action and I am trying not to be freaked out about the cost of things.

What I am freaking out about, is the fact with all the projects on the go, it will yet be another thing that will remain undone. I will be honest and say that I am envisioning a bulky mechanical thing with tubes and piping running all over the house, holes cut every where and outside walls torn apart.

I have tried the "you must finish everything off first before starting on the Solar Project." Have you ever tried to stop a stampeding bull with a mission? I haven't but I think I'm about to be embroiled in the battle. Stubborn and Obstinate are not the adjectives to use here. Its more like tunnel vision and the world outside is cast away.

Hubby grew up in a house like it and it never bothered him. Why would it, he is the one not doing the cleaning so its not important to him. I grew up in a house without baseboards. For some odd reason no matter the house we lived in (and it was alot. I was a pulp mill brat moving on average of every four years) my father removed the baseboards and never put them on until they were selling the house. Its one of those male things but now that I live with it, I want to take a cattle prod and a whip and beat out my frustrations on the man.

So Hubby sits night after night planning and researching his project. On his days off he is restless and anxious to get started. I would like him to use that energy on the house at present but I get hit with "We don't have the money." Yet he has the money to go by a solar panel. Now I'm ripping my hair out.

Deep breath...gulps of coffee...where's my damn lighter...Okay, I'm fine now. So as you can tell I'm getting more and more stressed out about this. Hopefully you can see the bind I'm in. Like I said for the title, I'm on the road to Solar Hell, and can't find the turn off.

Life is about to get interesting.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

One of those days

It was a great morning until I looked outside and saw the blanket of white coating everything. Not enough to be called a snowfall but just enough the dogs are able to get their paws nice and muddy to track through the house. Of course the Chihuahua sees white and runs the other way.

I'm having a bad day with the joints. Everything decided to complain the second I got up. It wouldn't have been so bad except the head is pinging just to add more fun. I probably shouldn't have gone out in the cold wind yesterday. The ever changing pressure is a little hard for the head to handle. One minute sun, the next is snow and rain. All I want is serious fish pond time this summer and if all of this up and down weather leads to fish pond days, I'll grin and bear it.

Hubby was at a info meeting for a product his store sells. It happened to be for ponds. Hubby was telling the sales rep how I at first didn't want the pond and proceeded to live by it for the entire summer. Hubby said if he has a stressful day, he heads straight for the pond during the summer to sit and relax. The Sales Rep started to laugh and say that he and his wife were the same with theirs. Kind of nice to know that we aren't the only ones daffy about our pond. I think the best thing about it is, I can truly relax or get totally absorbed in my writing without worrying if the Beagle wanders off I won't need to clean up the wake of his destruction.

I do have some news to share, my novella that I wrote, was released yesterday. Its a sweet story so everybody can read it. (Apparently I still need to work on my blogging techniques as I was hoping the picture would appear right about ...Here.) Its dedicated to my parents whose love story is pretty remarkable except the dedication didn't get printed with the book cause I normally add that during the editing process. Now I know to add it at the beginning. Hey its a learning process.

The coolest thing happened with this cover art. I was showing it to a friend at my mom's. She in turn was showing it to her mother-in-law who was there as well. My mom was telling her that I wrote in erot... then turned and asked the category that I wrote in. She couldn't remember the word, but as soon as I said, erotica, she said, that's right, as if I had said mystery. She was so cute. I just want her with me when the first book deal comes along. It would be really cool to share that with her. Of course, if leads to a book signing outside a sex shop, I'll take Artist with me. My mother would come up with too many outlandish schemes. Thrusting Thighs was one of her suggestions as a character for a novel. Trust me, with my mother's imagination, it gets a whole lot worse. At least now, I know where I get it from.

I can feel the sneaking up of the sub-conscious telling me to get the synopsis done for the hopefully above to happen. I'll confess, I'm procrastinating. avoiding it and coming up with what ever else to do before facing it. But its hanging over my head like a cloud. Its in my thoughts as to how I'm going to tell a story without telling the story. But I should get it done. Hubby has been gently nagging at me to finish it. He's right, then I can get to the others that are rolling in my head. I know that if I get the ideas down the stories will formulate themselves. But a synopsis is different, its taking three hundred pages and condensing it down to five or six. Of course I wasn't smart and kept my outlining notes. The next one I will. Hopefully it will make the task easier.

Damn! My coffee cup is empty. Guess this means I'd better fill it. Sigh, but at least the dishes that need doing will give me ten more minutes of procrastination.