Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Haiku for Artist

So the Haiku bug bit me. Here's one for you Artist.


Her blue eyes smile
As she twirls in the light.
Artist has arrived.


Sue J said...

Love the Haiku and.............. ta-daaaaaaaa, you put a picture on. I like that too. Please post a pic of the fishpond when the creation is finished. I would like to see it. :-))) I have a piddling little fish pond with only one fish in it - a goldfish - and it gets clarted up with algae in the summer (too much sunlight). I have let the bushes grow over the top and the water poppy covers most of the rest so it hasn't been so bad this year.

The Joyful Artist said...

Lovely Haiku my friend.

Hugs Artist