Its another kick back day. I will be joining the fish soon but right now I am sitting inside amazed my house is looking clean. I was about to say that I really didn't do much today but its early noon, the bed is made, shopping done at the farmers market, kitchen floor scrubbed and the house picked up. So I guess I actually did some stuff today. I strive to do one extra thing cleaning each day. Here's what I do, on a typical day, I clean the house for two hours, work on the books for two hours, then get the majority of supper ready and by that time I usually have free time. Somedays I decide to carry on with the task at hand or I go back to do more cleaning.
That is, on what is supposed to be a typical day. A non-typical day means that I start out doing one with the intentions of only doing that task for two hours and something usually interrupts me. A phone call, a drop by for coffee or one of the dogs needs a bath. Something along that line to interrupt my two hours. And per the usual, one thing leads to another and my original task has been abandoned. I have the attention span of gnat somedays.
Today was a non-typical day. But I already knew that starting out. So for once I was ahead of the game. Tomorrow with be another non-typical day as I will be in Border's room helping her to clean out and organize. But something will have been accomplished. Now Friday should be a typical day unless Hubby is home. Then it becomes Non-typical. I'm beginning to come to the conclusion albeit slowly, that my Non-typical days are more typical than my typical days. But then when a typical day happens I do appreciate the fact it happens. Those days are great.
Oh well, I hear the fish calling me. Better put in some pond time.
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