Saturday, September 02, 2006

Kicking Back

Housework is all done, cookies baked, apple crisp baked, and the books are as caught up as they are going to be for now. Even my hands are giving me a relatively pain free day. It’s now September, which means my Manitoba Maples are shedding their leaves. They are the first to come out in the street and the first to fall on the street. That’s okay, they are lush, green and form a canopy during the hottest part of the year.

With the baking and the fresh coffee perking on the stove, it will only be a matter of time before Artist finds her way down to the pond. For the first while that I knew her, she had the uncanny knack of appearing for coffee with twenty-four hours of my baking. Now she will tell you that I was always baking. Now here’s the conundrum, was Artist over so much that she always caught me baking or was I was always mixing a batch of cookies. I figure it will be one of those mysteries of life they never solve.

It’s a good day to kick back and relax. Especially when the phone is inside the house so no one will reach me. With the odd out bursts from the dogs defending their turf from every predator out there. Did you know that a little old man with an equally old poodle could possibly be a threat to their turf? This of course results in my bell like tones, yelling at the dogs to shut up. Mind you if the little old man was scoping out the house for his grandson to rob then at least our house will not be a target. I will admit I tend not to yell when it’s a questionable person walking by.

My Hubby’s rescue, is a furry mix of god know what. He’s really cute but extremely fence aggressive. He will start it more times than not from underneath the shed. Then there’s my so-called Chihuahua. I paid an airline ticket and hotel fees to get this dog. Now I absolutely adore him. But I do admit he has some very angry issues to deal with. He hops sideways when he is at his worst. The first time I saw this I burst laughing which did not help in shutting up the dogs. He is the first one at the fence and looks behind him to see whether or not his back up is coming. If they are, it only urges him on. If not, he lets out a few yips to call them. Then the Calvary arrives from inside the house. The Beagle hangs back to figure out which direction everyone is at so he can come up the rear. The sad bit is, he will go the wrong direction if he has been sleeping. The two little one will lead the charge to the back fence and the Beagle will run to the front. Hubby explained as the Beagle was covering the weak spot.

On a typical day this is the normal routine. But then you throw the cat into the mix and you’ve got entertainment for the entire afternoon. Just depends if the cat has had his treaties or not. Who says I have no life? Not me.

I had one once. I traded it in for a broom and dustpan. Best trade I ever made.

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