Sunday, March 07, 2010

Quiet Sunday Morning....Not!

It's a beautiful sunny morning promising spring warmth to rid of us the snow. I have a morning coffee that is just the right strength and the clutter of the house reminding me I can't keep ignoring the house work. The four old dogs are snoozing while the two Beagles are rampaging and the kitten has discovered how to fire projectiles down the stairs. My idyllic visions for my Sunday morning as been shredded, growled, snarled and hissed into oblivion. Gone are the quiet mornings replaced by elephants running up and down the stairs. (And that's the cat)

Going for a walk is nothing short of hell. By the time I'm finished, I'm ready for a shower and a nap I'm sweating so much. Taking the Beagles for a walk is like trying to walk seventy pounds of bounce, sniffs, bays and tugs. Thank God the ice is gone now, I didn't need skates with the two of them on leashes. I leaned back and let them pull me. The nice thing is, by summer's end, I will have biceps that Arnold Swartzenager would envy. And they hurt too. Trying to beat an egg yesterday resulted in my taking out the electric beater to scramble it. Didn't spray too badly all over the kitchen but the frying pan is definitely not made to handle electric beaters.

Hubby is happy as the sun is out and days are getting longer. His lighting in the shop is all on solar power. And the road to Solar Hell just got a whole lot longer. I'm nagging him to start a blog so he can explain all the doo-ma-hickey things and the stuff that I can't wrap my head around. All I know, is the amount of saw dust for a box is a lot. Especially when I am the one sweeping it up from the house. He keeps asking me if I want to come out and help.

His father asked his mother that once. Two years later she emerged from the work shop and said that was it. It was about thirty years later when he emerged from the shop. I already warned Hubby, that if his wood shop starts to interfere in things like "Life" then I'll most likely go into a mode and burn it down. Just to make sure he gets the message, I'm not happy with the amount of time spent in the shed. Good thing the man loves me...or its separation anxiety. There is a fine line you know.

Smudge is turning out to be quite the cat. She truly is a "familiar" in every sense of the meaning. No matter what I am doing, she is with me, getting into what ever trouble possible. If I'm baking she is covered in flour, if I am sweeping she is chasing the broom and if I am scrubbing the brush or cloth is great fun to tackle. The neatest thing is, she gives me warning of my bad days. I will wake up to her purring beside me. The first day it happened I didn't take note but when she did it the second and third time I noticed. So on those days she gives me my warning that I'm susceptible to my modes, I work extra hard at containing the triggers. Its been a little easier and Smudge's help is most welcomed. Even if I slip, and a swing hits, Smudge will be around me purring, helping me out of the mode. When I asked above for a little help dealing with stuff, I didn't expect it to be in the form of a little white kitty.

But...I can say for sure that Smudge is an organic kitty. My mother was over for coffee the other day and I brought out her container of Coffee-Mate. I will make it clear here, I do not use the stuff, I do not like the stuff and the only reason why it is in my house is my mother. After she left I hadn't cleared off the table but instead sat down at my lap top. Smudge jumped up on the table and sat down beside my computer. The next thing I knew, was Smudge jumping backwards and hissing with her paws in the air. I watched for what had her started but couldn't contain the laughter when she attacked the Coffee-Mate. She was smacking it on the lid and down the sides. She stepped closer for further inspection with her nose. One sniff and the cat's hackles were up and the hissing followed was short bursts as if she was trying to get it out of her nostrils. It was a good four minutes Smudge let her opinion known. Mom claims it was because the Coffee-Mate was low-fat. But Smudge and I know better.

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