Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's morning, what do you expect?

When you look at a list of ingredients, and it includes additives with numbers, is this a good thing? I mean when your cat attacks Coffee-mate like it's the evil incarnate, does this not imply there is something wrong with it? And why we must add a glutening agent to help the gluten of the processed flour in perogies, is there something wrong with this scene? And why has the Country that makes the plastic bags that we throw into our landfills banned them? Is this not a screaming message? Or is this just all me? Its like there is a big sea of invisible chemicals out there and the Governments financed by the Corporations are saying its up to you to avoid what we do.

I made the mistake of looking up a food additive. All I can say is ignorance is bliss. The less you know the better off you are. I miss the days of Big Macs and Shakey's Pizza. I miss the days of blindly tasting things and not knowing where they came from or how they were farmed. Those days were great. I was ignorantly happy. Yah well, somewhere along the way I became unhappy but healthy and informed. Stupid, stupid me. I ate my first veggie burger to avoid feeling guilty. It was okay but if we go vegetarian, I'm making the veggie patties.

Now there is an up side to all of this. My mother finally threw away her coffee-crap. She was the motivator behind looking up the toxic additives. Then she introduced me to organic cream in my coffee, the Witch. When we tasted organic coffee, it was what convinced us to make the switch to organic, well, the organic cream has only solidified that choice. And I only bought one bottle. What was I thinking?

Mind you, I wasn't. I was in the middle of trying to find my parents in this large store. Now I'm wearing the bright pink jacket so they can see me. But they weren't looking for me. I was looking for them which poses a problem. They are in dark neutral colours. So as I am looking around trying to find my "mommy" I start to head into panic mode. Then the thought that they left me behind know...they are old...hit my mind and the shakes started. I found my mother and told her, next time she is in the bright pink coat so I can find her. When I explained I had been wandering around the store looking for she and Dad she replied, "Oh, you can't see your father, he shrunk. And I knew would find me." I turn back to glance for Dad and she is off again. I'm seriously thinking of getting one of those leashes and harnesses for her. Just to make me feel better. I'd attach it to the cart but she might run me over.

Speaking of running over, Daught announced she had found a new hobby she and some friends are teaming up to do. Roller Derby! The first image that comes to mind is eight thousand dollars worth of teeth being greeted by a steel post. Then she says, "Don't worry Mom, I'll have a mouth guard." Like that makes the image any better. The teeth are now coated in plastic. Of all the sports my daughter would have to show interest in, Roller Derby was one I would not have guessed. Then she informs me that she doesn't think I should go to the meets as I would be a vibrating mess. Now, I am rather hoping this is a talk thing and not a do thing. The talk things are ideas that Daught is exploring and building courage to try. Sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't. If she follows through and they actually do end up in a rink roller derbying, then I will be one in the corner, as Daught so aptly put, a "vibrating mess" holding a sign saying "A Bomb's Mom. Protect her teeth!"

1 comment:

Sue J said...

My hubby is 6'3" and I can never find him in stores. I no longer waste time looking for him. When I'm sick of waiting I ask the service desk to call his name and tell him his wife is waiting for him at the service desk.
Roller Derby - she may just have been running this thing up the flagpole to see who would salute it. Go with the flow and she probably won't bother joining.
I hope you don't eat margarine. I have a site on the sidebar of my blog that tells you how it's made. We only eat butter these days.