Monday, December 06, 2010

Good Morning Everyone

I've only tried to update my blog for three weeks now but every time I sit down to do it, the phone rings, the door knocks, a dog throws up or something is burning. (Usually the coffee from boiling over) It seems as Christmas nears, my time gets less and less. Its even worse now that I'm rehearsals for Wizard of Oz. Not that I'm complaining, it just seems to be.

Today for example, I am decorating two trees, one of which is fibre optic and the other I just got the lights on last night. They have been standing for three days. I also have to house clean, attack dog nails with a machettee, laundry plus Hubby will be coming home for lunch to disrupt what ever rhythm I have going. It feels like for every hour I am out of the house, it takes me three to catch up. But I think that just goes with the territory of this household. Did I mention the theatre stuff too? I'm not quite sure what will get done today but something will. Even if its the dishes and I beat Hubby's time at Mariokart.

My delete button has decided to quit. I'm pretty sure it's a silent protest as the poor thing lately has been ignored. That and one of the dogs mauled my glasses and now they sit crooked with teeth marks in the upper corner of the lens. Not any where that impairs my vision, but just detectable enough that it pulls at my attention. Never mind...I just cleaned my glasses, apparently it was dirt.

So I am going to step up to Scribble's Soap Box and have a little vent. You see we have been watching TV lately. Hubby has found a four channels that are English and not religious. On these channels they sell everything from diet food to case law suits. But I think the automatic egg breaker was the one that sent me for a loop. I was insulted as a cook. They show hands and people smashing eggs like they are spastic. Then they show people pulling egg shells from their food. Of course they add the hard to peel boiled egg. First what kind of idiot, smashes an egg into to the frying pan and only fresh eggs are difficult to peel when they are hard boiled. When was the last time anybody got a fricken fresh egg from the grocery store? And somebody thinks this was a good idea.

Then the "Shaker" comes on. This is a dumbbell weighted with springs and you shake it to help reduce those problematic arm flabs. It only takes six minutes a day. One twit comments how she can see the definition the first try. So how stupid are we or is it just the camera that turns people into morons? Ladies, you want to reduce the arm flab, hang your clothes on a clothes line, make bread instead of buying it, pound cabbage into sourkrout, beat muffins by hand rather that using the mixer and if you really feel the need to work out, wash walls. Have people really become this sedentary that we need dumbbells with springs to do it for us? I'm really worried about the average person. At least its not a pre stuffed turkey or meal in a bag.

Although the diet meals were pretty bad. They send you a month's supply at a time. And the great thing is, all the prepared meals without the worry of counting or cooking. what happens when you have lost all the weight you want and you have to eat and cook regular food? I'm a kind of thinkin, all that weight is going to find you again and fast. Instint weight loss, instint weight gain and then harder to lose later on.

Everything is so instint. Kids get impatient when their not text messaged right away. All these prepared foods is killing, good old fashioned cooking, because we want it now. And we wonder why stress is the number one killer. We fret and stress because we want it now but we have to wait that minute or two for what ever we are waiting for. Am I the only one who sees the stupidity in this. At least Algerian TV only sells Persian Rugs.

I'm off the soap box and staring at the walls that need to be vacuumed. It's the problem with textured walls. They collect dust bunnies that bungie jump. Its the Christmas dust bunnies I like. They have icicle tinsel from God knows where, (as I haven't used icicle tinsel ever) all intertwined with the hair. Personally I like the red and green glittered ones. They reflect the lights from the Christmas tree as they roll by my feet begging for the broom and dust pan.

I guess I know what I am doing today

1 comment:

Sue J said...

Don't get rid of the wall dust bunnies, spray them with silver or fake snow.
Is that 'shaker' thing the one where she looks like she's training for a job in a bordello? That raised many comments in our house.