Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Just a note

The sun is out finally, and it’s promising to be a nice day. Mind you there have been other mornings that have started out the same and resulted in cold wind, so I won’t hold my breath.

Things have changed yet again with the garden. But this time I can honestly say it’s actually a step in the proper direction. Last fall Hubby and I separated a section of our yard for the garden. The idea was it would keep dogs out. It’s a good idea if all sides of the garden is fenced and not just three, with a greenhouse at the end and four feet of unfenced entrance way just perfect for our little Corgie X to find his way in to the cool dirt. (He was once white)

This year Privacy was the big thing to achieve by the fishpond. Our neighbours have kids and the littlest is very precocious and gets annoying with her attention getting. I am not a fan of kids. As a matter of fact, I really don’t like kids on the whole. Small exposures to kids are okay but anything longer and heavy drugs are a must. So needless to say, I put a canvas screen up and tried put an artistic flare on it. (The pictures will reveal the truth)

The other cool thing is, the house is being put in our name. It’s been our house, sort of, but it was put in my parent’s name to protect it. So now the house is being transferred. I can’t really go into a whole lot of detail here because the whole thing has been a bipolar blur. And if I ever have to go through this again, I will definitely need somebody along with me who can wrap their minds around it. I tried, and tried but it resulted in me shaking and thrown into a total mode. So I have warned my daughter that if anything happens to her Dad that I might need help with things of that nature. She said not a problem; she will make sure she marries somebody who will be able to help us both out.

Now that the house is going to be in our name, look out Solar Hell, because here we come. Last night Hubby was thinking of attaching copper tubing to my stove to harness in the residual left over heat from turning the oven off. Never mind the fact that the stove is sacrilege to touch or even think of touching unless its coffee. Now come up with a coffee machine with the copper tubing and sunlight, then you will have my attention.

My yard is going to end up a graveyard as an Ode to the Sun God Ra or something by the time that man is done. It will look like Ed Bagely Jr’s yard only on a poor man’s salary. Man the letter I could write to his wife. After watching the show twice (I can’t get the channel anymore, which really sucks) I really don’t feel so alone.

It’s going to be an interesting summer around here.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

Your Hubby makes for an interesting life :))