Sunday, March 18, 2007

फील थे नीद तो रंत (Feel the Need to Rant)

Great!!! Now I can type in a foriegn language but I can not speak it. I understand the why's but really, can I just do something for once that does not entail me having to research the entire internet to find out how to do something. So I'm slightly frustrated. Actually frustrated isn't quite accurate.

You know when you spend three days trying to achieve one task and everytime you sit down there is something that takes you away again, or the phone rings or the cats wants up or the dog wants out or there is somebody at the door. The last three days has seemed like a total waste. Stuff got done not what I set out to do but other stuff.'s...nope that didn't get cleaned...hang on I'm thinking. So you get the point.

There are two people in my life that have my permission to distrupt my day at any given point. That is my mother and Artist. The reason is, I can say to them, grab a coffee I'm in the middle of something and they will have their coffee as I get my chore done. And Hubby thinks, I sit all day and do nothing.

My mother once gave her job description to her best friend. I was old enough to remember and have quoted her since.

Position available, duties include,
cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, errands, all kinds of appointments, must deal with plumbers and other contractors, child-care and pet care. No holidays, no pay and little gratitude.

I think I know where Hubby hid the wine. I could really use a glass while having a nice hot bubble bath with the jets beating me to death and the dog whines on the outside of the door because he's separated from Mommy.

To Hell with just a glass. I'll drink it straight from the bottle.

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