Friday, March 09, 2007

Coffee Break.

Its warm and sunny out. Not that is a bad thing even though it means a backyard of mud with five dogs to run through it and drag it into the house. I wish spring was like a week from start to finish so I only have to deal with the dirt in a matter of days rather than weeks. With all the extra light I am finding more housework to do. Its amazing what appears when the sun shares its heat. I have dust bunnies tanning in the parlor. I think I'll take a quick coffee break and warm up the fingers for writing.

So I found out last night that coffee and laptops do not mix. This morning in the efforts to save Hubby from tearing apart my puter I (after making sure it was ok and did not hiss and spit at me) decided to down load a spyware program that I had accidentally removed. I down loaded what I thought would be a help only to have my entire system start to crash in slow motion. It was very weird. Almost like a game you can't wait to lose cause you know the humiliation of defeat can begin and you can move on.

So the result was, Hubby came down the stairs as I was fighting away. He might have garnered a hint that something was wrong by the swearing at the screen. I swear I saw a tongue appear on the screen and it gave me a raspberry. So Hubby spend the first twenty minutes of his morning fixing my screw up. Its a good thing the man loves me. I know he does. I told him so.
He's happily married too. Or at least he will be when he believes me.

So now my puter is feeling much lighter and happier, until that was I decided to change my other blog. Why is it, we can not just give a command and have it happen or if it doesn't happen explain in simple human terms why you can't. I have spent the last two hours trying to remove a feature that is necessary to the html. I eventually got smart and decided to read up on the feature I was trying to kill. Found out a) I can't and b) if somebody as an alert for updates then they wouldn't get it if I removed it.

Not to be defeated I fixed it. I changed the whole thing and solved another problem I was having. I'm hoping it means I've won against technology, even if it means for today.

I must say it has been interesting lately with everything. Mom has been very supportive in my endeavor in writing. Her suggesting various titles and names has left astounded at the very least. I envisioned myself in the future being interviewed and the question of how I began writing Porn comes up. I saw myself answering, something along the line of "My mother was the biggest influence. She suggested a title for a book."

Actually my Mom despite the content is really pleased. It took a bit for her to understand the type of sensuality. My father was really easy. We were in Chapters just before Christmas and there was a table set up for a book signing. I scoffed at the latest Star Wars book to ride that coat tail. I said to Dad that someday I would be signing books. Albeit outside a sex shop but I would be signing books. Dad laughed and said "well if somebody's willing to buy it." I said, " I'm willing to write it. " But he got it.

Mom on the other hand it took the cover art to explain what I write. That was the first of "I'm so proud" oozing in sarcasm. I tried before telling her. Like when she said we could collaborate. She will write the story and I'll fill in the rest. She asked me how many pages, I said two. She asked me how long the book would be I said, 360 pages. She laughed but I don't think she took me seriously. (Not that my stories are 358 pages of sex. My brain does not have the imagination capacity I would need for such a challenge.)

Speaking of which, I had better put another pot of coffee on. I expect Mom to drop by with more of her helpful outlines. God help me, I won't make it without the thrumming of caffeine in my veins. But I think I'll keep my computer far away from it.

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