Thursday, February 08, 2007

Opening Night.

Its almost over. Tonight is the opening night to our play. It has been riddled with problems from the get go. We lost two actresses for the same part. Luckily my daughter stepped up to the plate and so did her friend. The friend has three lines. Two of them are monosyllabic. Do you think she could get that last lines of seven words? Last dress rehearsal I'm on my knees begging her to face the audience and say her line with precision and clarity. The only way to survive this entire run is drunk out of my mind.

We are not only pushing the boundaries of this town's puritanical sense of morality but we need at least another two weeks before this play is ready. Our actors are very skilled but because of the antics in the play elements are continually being added. We were changing things at the last dress rehearsal because of set changes we made last minute. I keep reminding myself of a pin the past president wore. "It's only community theatre until it offends someone. Then it becomes art."

The nice thing is the local newspaper did a huge write up on our production. Even included quotes from myself and the other director. The sad thing is, he got the plot completely ass backwards. The show in the paper sounds a lot more like a soft porn than our risque` little venue. Maybe that explains the high numbers for opening night.

Oh well, I hear a bottle of wine calling and its only 10:30 am.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

Hi HW, I would LOVE to be there on opening night. Artist has told me what you are up to. I believe 'break a leg' is the right terminology. Enjoy the bottle!!
:-))) Scribble.