Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's Done!!! Now what?

I went to my hotmail account to log in and see the account as I have only used it as a login for this blog. Lo and behold I could not get into see my email account. Now this baffles me as I have been logging on to this site for years and the email account was no where to be found. The wonders of cyber space and the way it shouldn't work.

Wizard of Oz finally closed. I'm going to miss Aunty Em and Glinda. It was a challenge playing two roles and two distinct personalities. Aunty Em was tired and a little grumpy especially with the farm hands and Glinda was sparkly and light. My singing still needs work but I got the songs out as best I could. I guess I did okay as I was complemented several nights on my duality. I'm really going to miss working with this cast. They deserve to relax as they have been working so hard on lines, songs and dancing. I don't actually get to relax until tomorrow as I have a meeting. I hate meetings. I especially hate them now as I always miss some kind of protocol. The book doesn't help I only get even more confused. But having totally digressed from the topic as per the usual, it was a very successful show.

We had six standing ovations, one for each show, but I'm still saying it was for Toto. The little dog stole the show in every way possible. Closing night, final hug between Aunty Em and Dorthy, just as the curtain close, Toto decides to give us kisses. That little dog knew his cues better than some of us humans. If we weren't being upstaged by the dog, it was the kids who played the munchkins/winkies/flying monkeys who were stealing the show. And what a great bunch of kids. All of them talented, supportive and very very engerectic.

We ran the gauntlet of chicken pox, colds, flus, nerves, anxiety attacks, and a few mental disorders rising up. That was just a small portion, then we had our share of behind the scenes dramas, work issues, family issues and keeping the cast from all the political BS that the city and legion dished out. To top that all off, we even had a problem with a very intoxicated and amorous audience member. Did I mention the politics of the club to add to the mix. I am surprised any of us came out sane. (Using the term loosely especially in my case) I swear I should write a soap opera based on a drama theatre. The sad thing is, from talking to other people belonging to other clubs and not just theatre, this is the norm. It has been a learning experience for all involved and a growing spurt for the club that did include the pain. A lot of it.

The most important thing of all, is that the patrons went home with a smile on their faces. That's all that matters in end. They are the ones who pay to us to entertain them. With each production, there is a set of challenges, whether it be script intensive or the complexity of the set or how the sounds will carry through out a full audience. What amazes me, is no matter the challenge, we have managed so far to overcome and outdo ourselves each time. I have to say as a member of this club, I am terrified of what they will come up with next. I'm waiting for the ropes and levers to make a cast member fly across the stage.

My house is showing the neglect. Dustbunnies are multiplying as I type. I really do wonder how the working people do it. Home, work, family and then they add theatre to really intensify the stress. There is a back log of laundery and dishes waiting for me and of course as I sit here I can see the floor and walls are in sad need of attention.

Screw it. I'm going to go play the Wii and pretend I can wave a wand and make it all disappear.


Anonymous said...

I miss you so much my friend I will see you when the roads clear off some.


GrannyDiane said...

The house and dustbunnies will be there tomorrow. You need to rest your body and mind first, that is more important. I always say, if someone comes in and does not like my housekeeping, they are welcome to help. So far, I have had no complaints. And believe me, dear friend, your house can never be worse than what mine looks like now. So don't worry about the trivial stuff. You have more important things to do. :)