Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Breaking the Block

I guess it's been noticeable that I haven't updated the blog lately. Gardening, housework, visitors, and the theatre have been my life as of late. But there is also the writer's block thing happening again. I sit down in front of the screen to write but its like trying move a brick wall out of your sight. Its just not happening. Could be I'm just to preoccupied with everything else to be able to concentrate on the writing.

It pouring buckets outside which really doesn't inspire any creative thoughts and the fly buzzing around here is going to meet with a shoe in a bit if it doesn't go find a window soon. Then there is the fact that the dogs are really protesting against going outside. Six dogs and this is my daily schedule on a not so wet day. My mother has the sign but I've added to it:

Let dogs out
Let dog in
Let two in
Let dogs in
Let dog out
Let dog out
Let dogs in
Let dogs out

So you can see, I'm really not needing any cardiac exercises with the jumping up and down all day. It would also be noteworthy to say here its not the best for focusing either.

We did have a few lovely hot fish pond days but it was to hot to think those days. That is when I hide under the canopy of our maple trees and melt. Daught brought her new fellow over on one of those nights. He has the most genuine smile of anybody I have ever met and smiles so easily. He laughs easily and seems very playful. Definitely a refreshing change from the last few. The dogs loved him and even Buster who gave a growl when he entered the house. But then a strange male with Buster's girl is call for letting him know that Buster is watching him.

Hubby's banging on the roof this past week hasn't helped with trying to focus on my story. He has to replace the shingles on the roof. It's almost done. The last six inches needs to be finished and according to Hubby will be once the rain has stopped. So we will wait and see. Artist thinks he will because it is something that has to be done...well...I'm still in wait and see mode.

Hubby also bought a new tent. We had been looking for a new one as I wanted something with more room as we have six dogs. So we are now the proud owners of a thirteen man, four room tent. This is not a quick set up so where ever we take it, we are planting our butts down and not moving for five days. Apparently in two days we are going fishing. Okay so I'm not but GB and Hubby are going to give it a whirl. Miss S and I will be back at the campsite hopefully lounging. I have assured the kids they do not have to help with the dogs as the four old ones will know what the trip is all about to help reassure the two Beagles. (I hope)(I pray)

I'm bringing a camera. I figure I should be able to get some good shots of Camping Hell. At least its a total break from Solar Hell for a bit.

As it is still a shower outside I think I will concentrate on my next chapter for a bit. Its seems the block has been lifted for the moment and I must take advantage.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

I am so glad I don't have six dogs to look after. Still, come winter you can buy a sled and harness them all up. You could even do the Iditerod (? spelling). I'm afraid I've reached a time of life when the thoughts of camping holds absolutely no appeal for me. And to take six dogs..... well, I think you deserve a medal.