Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Solar Hell Sneak Preview

This is a couple of pictures for Scribble. The first one is the view of the two heaters, Popcan heater with the black arm coming from it and the water heater. The second picture is a close up of the popcan heater. Hubby can give you all the details, I'm still waiting to see if they work. My doubtful nature keeps me from getting over enthusiastic over is projects.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

This all looks very interesting and the sun is pretty reliable. What is a Popcan heater? We had a solar hot water heater many years ago, which was fine in the summer (when you don't really want hot showers in OZ) but had to be boosted with the electric in winter. Has hubby made them all himself? If so, he's very clever.