Monday, January 19, 2009

French Invasion

Okay, so I've been a little bored lately. A little is an understatement. Well, Artist has been having a couple of bad days lately so I thought I would try to cheer her up. You see, she has an answering machine that for some strange reason at the moment has decided to speak French. Last night I called to see how she was doing so I left a message in the machine's native tongue. Tried to anyway. So this morning I noticed her car was gone so I practised a couple of cheerful phrases and then called. I realized at the fourth ring that her hubby may taken the car to work but the French monotone picked up to my luck.

Of course this will only work if she checks her messages.

Other than that days have been filled with barking Beagles, wiggling Airedales and snarling Chihuahua's to add to the fun. The Guinea Pig has decided to add her little ear piercing wheep to the fold for that extra beat. I only have so much Ativan...There that's better. One bellar of "Enough!" and the world. I had to stop the cat. He was playing with my Ativan bottle, or trying to get into it.

Here's what I've been doing in between battling out with the Beagle. These two were done on water colour boards. I love the effect it has with the Ink.


Good Morning

So then I got brave and it ended up like this:

Into the Cosmos

This one is really cool because as the light changed the images change with it. You have to stare at it for a while.

Single Leaf



These three according to Hubby are Keepers. There is only two others that he likes so far. I keep changing my mind so far. We will see in three months what's going to be around.

I was fooling around with colours.
So now I'm going to go find a comfy bed a go for a nap now that Hubby is at work. But I have been getting a calling to the writer's side of me. I'll have a coffee first then decide.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Spring Solitude

Northern Consort

Mama Africa


Forest Meditations

Happy New Year

Get this, its the coldest day of the year and we are only three days into it. Gotta love the thought behind this announcement. Coldest day of the season would make a little more sense than year.

I've been working on more artwork. I've sold the Moon Goddess and the Angels. What was really cool was people were so thrilled to get one for a gift. Good thing I showed the pictures to my Mom, my cousin and my sister were wondering where I got them. I did the funkiest frog for my cousin. I was tempted to keep him so I'm letting her know via facebook (how sad is that when we live in the same town) that if she doesn't like him, I'll do her another 'cause I really love him.

It funny how the ones that I'm not keen on when I'm done, always grow on me and the ones that I really like tend to grow off. Its the same thing with my writing. Only in writing I can go back and delete. With the ink work when its done, its kind of permanent. I have discovered I tend to create more when it happens. I have one Mama Africa that I have liked since conception. So I have learned not to worry about it. Its the ones that I like three months later will be the ones hanging in the house.

Speaking of writing. I recieved a wonderful Christmas present from New Concepts, Araman's Aria will hopefully be out by spring. I had so much fun writing that story and working with the characters. Its like working with paint. I give them an initial layer kind of a primer then add the layers to create depth and voila they come to life with their flaws and personalities to tell a story.

Um Rhode, remember that book I was supposed to send you. It came back, so I'm sending it out again and this time with the correct postage, but it will have an extra or two.

I didn't make any new years resolutions. I don't drink so that's out, trying to gain weight not lose it, smoking (working on), excersize well...five dogs, no dryer, no dishwasher, stairs at my house and Artist's so I think that's covered. I gave up on resolutions years ago. I gave them up when I realized they led to the feeling of failure when I couldn't live up to them. I have enough crap to deal with in my life I really don't need to be adding anymore pressure.

On that note, I'm going to get my butt in gear and scan some more pictures for you to see.

Happy New Year and may small blessings come your way.