Friday, December 22, 2006

Just a quick one

Today as I was out shopping with my mother I was reminded why I do everything early. What a mad house out there. I can't imagine the huslte and bustle in the larger centre's. Where I live is bad enough. It felt Christmassy though which was rather nice. That was until we hit the stores. It kind of went down hill from there. Oh well, its going to be a rather interesting Christmas anyway. Things are all topsy turvy and I can't wait to see how it plays out. I plan on taking a lot of Robaxastuff to make it through. Everyone might notice if I'm drunk(it won't take much) but the Robaxastuff nobody will ever know. I will however pluck my eyebrows before hand to avoid anymore situations like the last one.

I discovered a new sport to add to my house cleaning array of fun. Speed bed making. The goal of the game is to make the bed before the dogs know what you are doing before they all jump on and in the sheets. Our Corgie X like to get under the sheets and have me make the bed over top of him. Where upon he will procede to scramble and attack them as if they were his worst enemy. By the way, I've yet to win the game. Whats worse, I have to help the Beagle up so he is in on the fun.

Well, Coffee and smoke are done. Time to get back at it.

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