Today is Valentine's day. I'm not sure about Australia or the UK, but I know here in Canada and the US it is. I'm not a big fan of hearts to begin with and seeing as I dumped somebody on this day, it has always taken something away from the whole romance thing. He was a good man and an absolute sweetheart but I wasn't old enough to know what a great guy I had. Thinking back, I had made some really stupid decisions that now I wonder what was in my head. Oh yeah, I remember now, stupid youth.
I know that Valentine's day is supposed to be for love. In High School (Catholic) we were taught the religous signifigance of the day but its shelved somewhere with the cobwebs in the back of my mind. I would rather use this day and just celebrate living a joyful life. Isn't that what love is all about? Bringing joy to your heart?
Here's the part where I copy Scribble. She made a list of things that bring joy to her life and I thought it was a great idea so I'll share mine.
Joyful things in my life
My best friend
My dogs
The fishpond
Just being involved in the theatre
When a recipe turns out despite the fact I'm not using a cook book
A really good cup of coffee
The last one brings a lot of joy especially when I have the cream. I'm out and I'm using milk. At least I have coffee but I will break down, raid the piggy bank and go buy the stuff. Or I could wait until Artist is home from work and go down the treacherous walk of five houses to her coffee pot and raid it.
That would bring lots of joy, especially if its a full pot.
Sending everyone warm coffee wishes and a joyful day