Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hubby is not a happy hubby. He is...but he isn't. You see, we had to make a very hard desicion regarding our old cat. I have been fighting for months to get weight on him, so much so Hubby was getting upset with me for stressing about it.

We had both agreed that after Cocoa Puff no more cats. We were going to take a break. But he didn't see GiGi with Artist's kitten Nelson. She was beside herself in delight that a cat paid attention to her. Cocoa ignores GiGi for the most part and when she does try with the cat, his response is less than favorable. Luckily the claw only came out once.

Hubby made the mistake of joking with me by saying if we took Cocoa in to the vets we could keep a kitten. My response was the usual no without realizing he was not serious. Unfortunately for him, I had picked up one of the kittens and put it back down because it spoke to me. The other four were the noisey cute ones clamouring everywhere in the bathroom including the sink. I left the bathroom feeling guilty for wanting her and no matter how I tried I couldn't shake the image of her all grown up jumping from the window bench to the table as an adult. I was at that point remaining firm with the fight for Cocoa.

Well... a lot can change within forty-eight hours. The kittens left and I tried to ignore the panic of her leaving the house. I found Cocoa purring by himself. I picked him up expecting the weight that wasn't there and hadn't been for months. I realized he hadn't used the litter box again and when I put him down his hind legs winced. I scooped him back up and burst into tears. I have been only fooling myself. It was his time. I took GiGi to Artist's for coffee, where she tried to get as close as she possibly could to the cats. Artist said what I have been hearing for weeks from the girls, "Gigi needs a kitty."

I came home and called the vets. In a soft voice the vet asked me if I would want his ashes. I said with a very nasty sniffle for lack of tissue, that we would be bringing home a kitten. I explained we were the ones that involved in saving them and fostered them in our bathroom over night. I described the kitten that spoke to me and it has a tag that says its coming home on Friday.

Now here is the part where Hubby got a little upset. You see I hadn't realized he was making a joke in regard to the kitten and I went ahead without discussing any of it with him. And because he had been the one to make the suggestion I thought he would think it a good plan. Which he does, he just wanted to be included on the desicion as he is the provider for the household. Understandable and he thought we had agreed on no cats for a while. I did remind him that if a little kitten came along that spoke to me it would be coming home. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. All it took was a look and I put the kitten down. I didn't cuddle it, pet it or talk to it. I just made sure it was alive under the blankets. If I had wanted one, the little black and white one was the choice. I also reminded him that GiGi was going to be alone within the next two to three years if not sooner considering the ages and medical issues our old boys have. She was going to need a companion. Now was the time while she was young and adapting into our home. I guess the way to tell him was not saying we were getting GiGi her own kitten.


GrannyDiane said...

I am so very sorry about Cocoa! My heart is crying with you right now.

housewife said...

I know, My heart has been feeling that way for weeks. I have the comfort of knowing he never spent a day without love, security and warmth. He was the best cat with kids and loved to torture friends who didn't like cats. His sense of humour was a little tetched. He hasn't been the same since Bullet passed. I think he misses him.

He will only be a heartbeat away. It is man's own limited thinking that puts an obstacle in the way of the next realm. (I keep telling this to myself in hopes it makes it all better) By the time I get there, only ten minutes will have passed (as time is also man's invention)and we will be all together. (Or the Creator will have on pissed off entity to deal with.)

It just sucks having had to make the decision. It's why we are getting the kitten. To make the day a little easier to get through.