Hubby’s first production came to a close last night. The sound effects were awesome and literally had people letting out little cries of surprise and jumping out of their seats. It was great fun to watch. He had way too much fun and I think he is looking forward to the next one. I hope he is, because I’m stage-managing and I get to be the voice inside his head for six nights.
Last night the Director of the show brought in Pot Roast. Now I am not a fan of Pot Roast. As a matter of fact I am pretty positive Pot Roast is a conspiracy, against what I am not sure but a conspiracy none the less. The only Pot Roast I will eat is my mother’s (I won’t even eat mine) until last night. Oh My God, it was done to perfection, the veggies were perfectly caramelised, and the meat melted in your mouth and every bite was succulent. I was very good, and only had a small plate full. Twice.
She also makes a mean Jumbalya (sp?). Something again I had never had the yen to try until I smelled hers. At the last show of Steel Mags (she and I played mother and daughter), the dressing room air was filled with the aromatic smell of the spices and I spent the last half of the show with a rumbling stomach and saliva filling my mouth. I was afraid during my rant that I would shower the first row with spit.
The Director is a crafty one. She is a lovely petite brunette, a sweet smile, pretty big blue eyes and dainty way of shifting the conversation away from her recipes. I’ve asked three times for the recipe and three times we’ve chit-chatted…caught up on what have you… and laughed, giggled …and I walk away empty handed again only to realise it an hour later that I still do not have any clue how to make this dish.
That’s okay, we are looking at a couple of projects together. I’m thinking a whole new twist on say…The King and I…set in …New Orleans…at…Mardi Gras or maybe, Camelot…and Merlin is…a VooDoo Priest…Better yet, Little Orphan Annie set in the French Quarters. I figure by time I get that recipe, I will be pushing Artist in a wheelchair down the street.
Some people are very funny about parting with their recipes. They can't tell you, because if they did they'd have to kill you. Me, I'm very happy to share the recipe for something I've cooked and someone else has enjoyed. Can't you write it into the play that she has to read the recipe out loud?
I love your mind Scribble
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