Thursday, July 03, 2008

Coffee Break

I was standing in line at the grocery store after picking up apple cider vinegar and a few other things. I looked at the large heavy jug and noticed something on it that I hadn't seen before. Written on the label are the words;

"Ideal for food"

After reading it out loud, I turned to my mom and cashier and said "Good to know 'cause I was going to use it for cleaning my engine." Just encase I want to have a salad its good to know the apple cider vinegar is ideal for food. Personally, I have never seen apple cider vinegar with the automotive cleaners in the car section but then I haven't been in all the stores. so in case any of you were worried, go ahead and use the apple cider vinegar.

That's as bad as "Tastes just like take out." I could go on but I am doing laundry and eventually something will have to go out on the line. The sun is only out for so many hours.

I am so thankful that the majority of the little eye balls are gone. It was a pretty slow weekend but I managed to get rid of a 12 place china set, vhs movies went like hotcakes but unfortunately I am still stuck with a panther lamp. This thing is big, heavy, black and ugly but according to some men (Not naming any one's Hubby Artist) there is something attractive about matter the angle I just can't see it. Maybe the rear end as it is leaving would be a lovely sight but no such luck.

Its definitely fishpond weather. I am getting in as much time as possible. Last year we couldn't enjoy it as the weather was cold and dismal. I think I've put more time in at the fishpond this year the last three days than all of last year put together. And Artist and I tried to persevere but mosquitoes drove us in every time. But this year is a totally different story.

I had better make sure there is fresh coffee on. The fish are calling for Artist to make her way down. They are very quiet but Artist has a sixth sense when it comes to the pond.

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