Friday, February 23, 2007

Sheet Tug of War

Hubby is so getting meatloaf for supper tonight. I love the man dearly, I really do. I am beginning to think its the cross I must bear in this life. I spent the night fighting him for a cover, I would have been happy with one sheet. But no, I must lie next to the window with a soft chilling you to the bone type draft gently wafting over me so the freezing is slow. He claims its the dogs. Yeah, okay. Two Chihuahua's who weigh maybe combined a total of 14lbs, are holding down the covers and pinning them there. I finally manage to get the duvet over my shoulders and drift into a wonderful warm sleep when his alarm goes of for the first time. It must go off at least four times before he gets up. This morning I got up on the third alarm and it startled Hubby causing him to stab me with his Ninja Toe Weapons. At this point I threw off the edge of the duvet and got up. I know when a battle is lost. But the war is yet to be won.

He had the nerve to be some what chipper this morning. That really ticked me off. He is never chipper. Ask Artist. She has seen him when one of his black moods hit. I love it when that happens. I will find any excuse to invade his cave with Artist and blather on about something I want to change, just to watch his expressions. Its hilarious. He will roll his eyes or clamp his jaw. Hubby is always pleasant when Artist is around. He would never be rude. And once in a while it will actually put him in a better mood. So its not just to torture him, although that is right up there at number one.

It goes both ways. Hubby has his ways of revenge. Like coming into the kitchen and suggesting I do something a certain way in cooking. He used to do this constantly until one day he was working on a computer trying to fix it. I went downstairs and sat on a step and asked what he was doing. He explained something was wrong internally. So I started to suggest the dumbest things I could think of to fix the computer. Finally he got a little miffed with me. Then I pointed it out that I knew as much about computers as he knew of cooking. It stopped his Mr. Fix It when it came to cooking. Now he does it just to get kicked out of the kitchen if I get too chatty.

Hubby has this panther lamp. This thing is hideous. I have been demising it death especially if Hubby ticks me off. This thing would be more happy with velvet paintings and a lava lamp. If your into that kind of thing make me an offer. Its entirely black so the dust on it has given it a lovely accenting in the ridges. Yes I hate that thing, but Hubby loves it. So its in the dungeon, Hubby's domain. I don't take Artist there, I couldn't live with the guilt of terrorizing her with the Hell in my basement.

Hubby wants a shed for his woodworking. I think that's a good idea. It will save his life a lot of the time. My condition was that all the stuff in the house has to be done first and that the shed be 100% complete. It is in my Hubby's DNA to leave the last remaining six inches done. But that is for another rant another day. I did not think my request was unreasonable. We came to an agreement that we would prep the yard for it this year and attack our bills with zest to payout a loan freeing up money. (This is the plan. We will talk in a year.)

Now Hubby is miffed because I am refusing to get a job. My reasons are thus; I can't guarantee that I can work full hours because of my health. He will not help me with the house cleaning as the past has proven. I really do not want to go back to the other diet we were on and if I'm working, we are back on crap. And the list continues. If I commiserate with Artist long enough, we could come up a whole slew more.

oh well, I'll give him a back rub and stuff an organic meatloaf down his throat. That will make everything much better. Well I'll feel better anyway.

1 comment:

Sue J said...

Ooooooooh, I can sooo relate to lots of this post :-)))
My husband's taste in things tends towards the kitsch. He got one of those awful fibre-optics lamps, that looks like a spaceship, from the swapmeet. It's bloody awful, but now it lives in a room upstairs and I don't have to apologise for it. He scrounged a scabby old 50's mantelpiece clock that my daughter had chucked out for the tip. That is in the garage.
And as regards the duvet -you've heard the saying, 'One good turn gets most of the blankets'?